Personal Records for Run

Your personal records, often referred to as "PRs", consist of your best time for races of a given distance. Below is the list of your PRs automatically generated from the race results you entered.

3.20 km19:055:58Miscellaneous Race10/24/2008View Race
6.38 km34:005:20Jurong West Stadium 818 Route9/13/2008View Race
10.00 km57:115:44Miscellaneous Race9/14/2008View Race
21.00 km2:07:536:06Singapore Bay Run8/24/2008View Race
42.00 km5:14:397:30Miscellaneous Race6/1/2008View Race
Marathon4:23:356:15Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon12/2/2007View Race
50.00 km8:48:2810:35Miscellaneous Race10/4/2008View Race
52.50 km9:33:2310:56MR25 Cross Country Trail Ultramarathon12/28/2008View Race
54.00 km8:38:229:36MR25 Cross Country Trail Ultramarathon12/30/2007View Race