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  • Exercises


Hittin' that good ol' lifting.

But switching it up a bit. Been doing a lot of reading and a lot of research of late (being a teacher in the summer is FAB), and I'm re-vamping some of my lifting work.

I'm condensing my high weight, brute strength, lifts down into one day instead of two. I'm really trying to streamline which lifts are most important/necessary/effective for distance training. And I'm changing my Day 2 to lots of explosive, plyometric movements- some weighted, some not. The more research I do and the more I read, the more I think those kinds of movements are incredibly important and are missing from my regiment. Accomplished the first of this new kind of Day 2 today, and it was real hard, but felt beneficial and left me sore in new and exciting ways.

Started with pretty low reps to avoid shocking myself into injury.

Single leg, explosive hops 2x20 each side

Double leg, explosive hops 2x20

Single leg, explosive push-ups 2x10 each side

Bounding for distance 2x20

Standing long jump 2x10

Squat Jumps 2x10

Depth jumps 2x6

Russian Hops 2x20

Core 8 min
