Run: Tempo Previous Next


5:30 AM

7.1 mi


30 F
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2.91 mile warmup in 22:16 Ave HR = 147 bpm. 7:44/ 7:35/ 6:56. One min recovery

2.50 mile tempo run in 15:40. 6:17 ave pace. 6:14/ 6:18/ 3:07. Ave HR = 170 bpm. Max = 178 bpm. HR levels more a result of starting tempo run one minute after warmup than actual tempo run itself.

I need to get used to running fast again. Can tell have not been doing much under 6:00 pace for a while but confident the turnover and speed will return.

Cooldown = 1.71 mile in 13:30. All in all, felt like a solid workout. Had to slow myself down on the warmup as I just felt like running. (sounds like a Forest Gump line). Unusual for 5:30 in the morning but a good feeling to have.
