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biked home from Manson today. listened to a podcast that discussed the topic of vaccines and abortions from a biblical perspective. I took a class called "Science for Society" in the winter term and we covered this issue. I thought it would be interesting to give this a listen because I did not know what abortion had to do with it since we did not talk about it in class; we only had talked about how anti-science fundamentalist Christians thought that it would cause autism and other problems in their children. although this may be the case for some Christians, I certainly think that it is a whitewashed argument to say that this is the only reason why Christians would be opposed to vaccines. when this was presented and discussed in class, Christians look like idiots because they are only associated with those who are extremely anti-science, against the government, and are hurting the rest of the world (if you dont get a vaccine, you are hurting the Hurd immunity and thus giving those children who can't get vaccines measles or something terrible). Thus, Christians look like idiots. this is the most common and frustrating thing I see today. people talk ABOUT one another rather than TO one another. This sums up our class discussion: science says that vaccines don't cause autism. Christians say they do. People are dying from this because Christians are ignorantly rebelling. Should we force people to get vaccines since they are hurting others? What about religious freedom? Does it mean anything when people are dying?

Why would some Christians be opposed to SOME vaccines? well, simply put, they are against abortion. there has been and still is research being done and collected from aborted fetuses. Trump stopped the federal funding of such research, however, it is still being done. Christians still think that this is wrong since there are other methods of study and sources of modern vaccines that are available other than aborted fetuses. If someone is burdened by the thought of this, I do not blame them. Just don't force them to inject their children with a vaccine that originated from an aborted fetus while claiming that they are just anti-science.

Here is the link to the podcast. I would be glad to hear positive and negative feedback/criticism because I like to learn.
