Run: Easy Previous Next


5:55 PM

7 mi


6:35 mi

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I convinced Nicole to run mile as fast as she could today. she hasn't been running hardly at all the past couple of months so she thought she was out of shape. she had ran two miles yesterday but before that hadn't ran in over a week. her PR was a 7:40 after she had trained and ran a half marathon. I said she could beat it and she laughed and said she could hit an 8:30. she went out at a 7:40 pace unknowingly and then started to hurt right before the half mile mark--she went down to a 8:15 pace for about 10 seconds. I told her to buckle down and build the last half. her competitive side came out and she went crazy. she went through at a 7:44 pace. I got her all pumped up at a quarter mile to go and then she went hard. I had her guess her time and she said, "7:40." she was spot on. I told her that she should train for a month and then see what she can do. I said that she could easily hit a 6:30 with a little training considering she hit her PR with literally no training. although a 7:40 is honestly not fast at all, it was rather inspiring to watch her grind and tie it.

I decided to go a little quicker today just to see how my calf was doing. I wanted to do the carpenter run but wasn't sure if my calf could handle the speed. it felt really good so I decided it was good to go. The Shan D. curse has been lifted finally!


Clare Dave

Go Nicole!!