Run: Trail Run Previous Next


7:43 AM

22 mi


11:26 mi


178 lb
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Rockledge Rumble 30K...err should I say 35.4k! Ended up doing 22 miles. Had a great time and a good race. Despite efforts to take it slow early and then re-evaluate my pace at the turnaround I went out too fast. I don't really think the early speed really did much damage because the terrain was not bad at all. I think my mistake happened around mile 8. I sped up here not really intentionally and charged through the technical section probably expending too much energy. I could feel my race beginning to unravel around 15 miles and tried to refocus. I'd been running alone for about 6 miles at that point and was really wishing I had someone with me to help boost my morale. I pressed on but began developing a side stitch and had to work through that. I finally hit the Murrell Park aid station on the way back in and knew it was about 5 miles from there. I remember thinking if I could match what I did in the first 5 miles that I would hit 4 hours...but I knew that was just a dream. I picked it up after the aid station but quickly spiraled into a walk/run pattern with the slightest incline. I tried to battle through and just keep telling myself to suck it up, but I never could get a decent pace for any significant stretch of trail. I wasn't really getting passed though so I guess others around me slowed down too. Once I hit the last mile of trail I jammed two of my fingers into my right side just below my ribcage and just ran. I passed at least 5 or 6 people between that point and the finish...although I think only 2 of them were in the 30K race. I just didn't want to get passed at the end so I gave it all I had. It was great to finish, but I crumbled once I crossed the line...both mentally and physically. Once I got some fluids and food in me I recovered ok.

I had a lot of fun until the last 5 miles or so. I don't have any desire to do anything beyond a marathon distance trail race...kinda makes me sad, but that's the reality of i for me right now.



Hey, don't kick yourself too much. I can tell you that I have taken a lot more than 4 hours to cover that distance on that trail many, many times! Looks like you "really wanted to be done" right about where the 30K finish should have been!