Run: Shakeout Previous Next


8:15 AM

4.1 mi


7:03 mi


174.6 lb
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Misnamed this run oops

Morning pre lift shakeout w/ Brian and Jake. Didn't feel any shin pain. Legs felt a little worse than I was expecting. We organically went without saying a word for the first half of the run! However a little before the turnaround I had let myself drift back a little because while I felt ok I am committed to super easy shakeouts and we were definitely running faster than my average morning shakeout. But when I catch back up to the guys a minute later, those two IDIOTS were BLABBERING away! Oh well 15 minutes, new record and there must be a multiplier for having 3 people vs 2.

Good lift afterwards + rolled quads with a PVC pipe which felt great


Paul Malek

No way! When you get more people you start to get that group psychology going and think, "well there must be a reason why everyone else isn't talking so I shouldn't either"

Paul Malek

Also I guarantee this doesn't count as organic because at least you were definitely consciously not talking with the idea of breaking the record in mind.


You think 15 minutes is good? I haven't talked on a run in almost a month!

Robert LaMarre

Not impressed