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9:30 AM

17.1 mi


7:02 mi

  • Map



90-120 min

Well it wasn't pretty but it's over. Ran a little later than I should have, 8 would have been better, but I still beat the heat for the most part. It would have been nice to plan a water break during the run. I did 2 hours solo from Osborn's. Made a great loop, did the normal run up to the woods on East St, then hung a left at the trail intersection and crossed over to the North Hill preserve. Did a blue pond loop plus a little addition, then crossed the street and came back into the East St woods on the red trail. I didn't really know where I was for a bit on the red trail, and there was a huge hill that sucked, but eventually it popped out right at the bog we normally do a loop in as a halfway point. I did a full loop there, then came back to Osborn's pretty much the normal way, except that I went around the outside of the East St bogs instead of cutting through them like usual. Only needed to add on like 2 minutes at the end.

I was in the woods pretty much the entire time so I don't have a way to tell how fast I was going, but it wasn't fast. It was a hard effort though, both because of the length and because the course was really challenging (footing, jumping over logs, steep up and down hills). The trail is getting cleaner though each time, so that part is good. Technically this week will be just under 90 miles, but it's basically 90 since I had a rolling 90 mile average for the two days before this. 90 seems like a good sweet spot, I was able to do it without any days being too slow, but it would be hard to do much more. Hopefully will feel a little stronger on the next 3 week cycle and will be able to feel better on my long days (they were tough this week). Running earlier on Sunday definitely would have helped to.

POSTRUN: recovery formula, rope stretching

Training Plan Entry


17.1 mi


90-120 min
