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Waited until 9 to run because it was really hot. But then exactly at 9 it started storming like crazy. Normally I don't really mind running during a thunderstorm, but I haven't been able to count a 10 second period without the sky lighting up for the past 25 minutes.

Whelp, luckily it's a recovery week, I'm pretty POed that my streak is going down, but maybe it's for the best for me to lose the streak now. Should still be able to get ~70 miles in with a 60-70 minute runs, a hundo long run, and 2-3 doubles.

lol still have 80+ 7 day rolling average


Paul Malek

Ughghghgh I'm Rooooobbbbbberrrrt I have a 80+ rolling average after a day off I run sooooooooo much I am the runningest of all the ruunnningers

Paul Malek

JK I <3 u

Paul Malek

Clearly more than Joey "Not around for weekend of phun" Livote

Robert LaMarre

ya joey tried to convince me to come up early and now he's not even gonna be there! What the heck!

Paul Malek

Yeah he told me, what a dingus. MORE PHUN FOR THE REST OF US. So are you coming on the 5th then?