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4:30 PM

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<No name>


Did the hurdle mobility routine, then Z showed me a "real" hurdler drill (panthers?). Then I did 2 short strides over two hurdles to see what it felt like after 9 months off. Z said that after the first stride, he thought, "There's no way he could do this for 3k", but after the second one he said that I would be one of the better 100m hurdlers on the team. So I'm feeling better about hurdling, he told me some more drills to check out, and I will. Definitely don't think that it hurts to be as mobile as possible and to work on hurdling technique BUT we both agreed that the most important part of running a good steeple was just being fit enough to run a good 3k.



Who's Z

Robert LaMarre

Coach Zopatti!staff/c14e3

Robert LaMarre

Check Leo's twitter


Is he the football coach?

Robert LaMarre


Robert LaMarre


Wh am I looking at a thread about a kenyan doped to the gills?

Robert LaMarre

Not a Canova fan huh