Run: Long Previous Next


10:00 AM

14.9 mi


7:06 mi


178.4 lb


Wasn't perfect, but much better than I'd feared. Long run w/ Jake, Benji, Nolan, Cish, Brian. I was nervous when I woke up this morning and my whole lower left leg was super tight and the shin was in pain, was limping around. Spent an hour and a half rolling, stretching, and a little icing, and took some ibuprofen before running. Felt relatively great! Leg felt very tight, but didn't feel the acute shin pain I've been plagued with. Some spicy convo made this run fly by. Shin and calf didn't feel great, but it was totally tolerable for most of the run. About ~85' in we went up the Frear hill and that actually started to put my shin back in pain. I slowed down and let the group go, then stopped for a minute to stretch and massage the lower leg a little bit. Hobbled home from there at a pretty slow pace but without too much pain. Could have made it to 2 hours probably but was going slow enough by that point that it didn't seem worth it.

Well this week certainly seems like a step back, but don't want to get too hung up on it. 78 miles while working through this shin thing isn't too bad, and had a great workout Tuesday and a decent one yesterday. Keeping a positive mindset.



Last 6 weeks of the year, mileage is secondary to feeling good and good workouts and races