Run: Long Previous Next


7:30 AM

16.6 mi


7:19 mi


179 lb


5 / 10
3 / 10
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Sunday morning long run. Got myself out the door early which was nice, it was getting pretty hot by the end. Not the greatest run. Felt pretty good overall for the first 2/3rds, tired but I was doing fine. With 20 minutes to go though, I caught two pretty painful stitches that really slowed me down. Then I was just tired after that. With the slower run it would have taken me another 7 minutes at least of painful uphill running to finish the loop, so I just stopped at the lower entrance to the park and hiked back up.

The other item to note, was that a little before hallway I started to feel the all too familiar sensation on the outside of my right knee that I associate with my (self-diagnosed) ITBS from Freshman year. There wasn't actually any pain, but I could feel the "catching" sensation as I straightened my leg. I stopped at 62 minutes for some quick IT band stretches, which actually worked like a charm, felt totally normal once I started up again. Still, something to watch. Not too worried because I know what I have to do - clams, jane fondas, some rolling should be plenty of preventative work. Actually, I bet that the reason I haven't had any problems with it the past two years is because of all the mini band stuff we do (which I naturally have not been doing this summer).

Oof, didn't even hit 90 this week... it's all good though

Training Plan Entry


17.1 mi


