Run: Easy Previous Next


6:45 PM

10.5 mi


6:36 mi

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Easy run w/ Paul and Joe. Did Chapel loop, which is quickly becoming our go-to 10 mile loop. Felt GREAT today, finally. Just cruised along easily for the first half, we weren't going fast (just under 7') but finally I didn't feel sore/sick just running, and it wasn't even that cool out (low 80s). Second half we all felt good and started to squeeze it down, the last 5 miles on the road were 6:20, last mile ~5:50. Added on 800 in 2:54 (just keeping the same effort) and called it a day. Pretty refreshing to feel good on a run for a change, the second half felt awesome, tiring towards the end but in a good way. Probably getting my main run in tomorrow morning, we have an intern outing after work tomorrow.

Training Plan Entry


10 mi


50-70 min

6 strides
