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11:31 AM

6.6 mi


8:18 mi


149 bpm
192 bpm


30 F
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Cape Elizabeth

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Easy run, explored the trails of Cape Elizabeth. They were cool, but pretty icy today ... made for some slow running. Legs were pretty darn sore.

Was supposed to double today... caught up watching the football game & then driving home... C'mon! No SAM either and ate some crap...

Week 7/20: Good. Didn't quite get alll of the miles in that I wanted to, but had two excellent quality days on Tuesday and Saturday. If I can keep doing that consistently (and hopefully nudge the miles up to the 90 mark..) then I will be in great shape. Really need to do better in the non-running stuff - sleep, SAM, nutrition (probably in that order?) First class on Thursday, so the rest of marathon training is gonna have to deal with that wrinkle... time management needs to be ON POINT!


Shannon Trant

No doddling! ;)