Run: Fartlek Previous Next


2:00 PM

9 mi


6:39 mi

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Dynamic Warmup

60 minute fartlek: from 10-50 minutes do 4x5mins @ 10k / 5 mins easy

Ran from RAHPS w /Paul, Tyler, and Eddy. We warmed up outside Paul's house and then went. First one was aight, pretty tough. Second one my legs went dead going up the hill to Grange, I fell off Tyler and Paul. Stopped to tie my shoe during the second rest period and started #3 way back from everyone else. It was pretty much all downhill and I felt much better, made up a lot of ground and then pushed a bit through the third rest period and caught back up to Tyler and Paul. Which probably wasn't too smart, legs felt dead again after that and I fell back on #4.

Welll it was still a decent workout

Training Plan Entry


9 mi


Dynamic Warmup

60 minute fartlek: from 10-50 minutes do 4x5mins @ 10k / 5 mins easy


Jarrett Kunze

Shoulda used my shoe tie strategy