Run: Easy Previous Next


6:10 PM

12.2 mi


6:34 mi


178 lb


6 / 10
6 / 10


Easy 80 minute run after my first day at work. Had to be in really early today for orientation, so missed yet another Tuesday double... but shouldn't have any problems from here out. Did a cool run down to the lagoon, all the way out to it's end. Mapped it out but must have screwed up something because it came out to 12.7 miles which can't be right. It was a pretty good effort run, but the terrain was not made for running fast - some rocky sections, and some loose-sand stretches which made it reallly difficult to run at a decent pace. Still it was a cool run, 10+ miles on trails. Going up the hill in the last 2 miles was killer! Way harder than I expected. It felt like running up Sage. I'm gonna have to work hard to find a good morning loop, because there's no way I can run up that hill every morning. Still, it'll be good to do a few times a week, it was a pretty satisfying one to conquer.

PRERUN: lunge matrix

POSTRUN: 6x15" strides

Training Plan Entry


11.4 mi


70-80', 6 strides


Nolan Feola MD

Dat hill....