Run: Easy Previous Next


4:00 PM

8.9 mi


6:47 mi


Run with the guys from ECAV! Started with a big group, but ended up doing most of it with Jake, Colin, Brian, and Nolan. I got WORKED. Felt pretty shitty, it was a lot hotter than I've been accustomed to this summer, and with traveling today I did a bad job of hydrating. Legs probably feeling a little junky from yesterday's 6 mile workout too. Was planning on 70' originally, but seeing as I was barely hanging on by the time we got to ECAV and felt terrible, I decided to just do a Colvin loop and call it at 60.

On the bright side, my hip felt fine on this run! Go figure. Not worried, I figured I would need a little bit of acclimation to the hotter temps and to running a faster pace on easy runs. I'm still confident that i will handle workouts fine and think that I will be ready when it counts.
