Bike: Tempo Previous Next


10 mi


15 mi / hr


149.8 lb
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Threshold ride. The specification is distance. Time is estimated. Reset your trip distance computer. Warm up by spinning easy for 2 miles then get HR to 155 over the next 2 miles. Maintain 155-160 for 15 miles. Cool down spinning easy for a few miles. Stretch. Report how the workout went.

Good night's sleep, very sore this morning from digging and mixing sakrete yesterday.

Warmed up, worked up to low 140's HR by about 4 miles, but slipped quickly back down ino 130's. Breathing hard, sweating hard, legs burning, but couldn't maintain effort to push HR up. Legs pretty fatigued from weekend. Felt like leg strength not enough to push my cardio, or just not recovering well from workouts and yard work. I know my HR on the road gets in 140's and 150's for extended periods without feeling as difficult. Unless my Polar HR monitor is off, I'll use Garmin next time to check.
