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5 mi


8:12 mi


148.6 lb
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Treadmill 1200 Repeats. Warm up for 15 minutes. Stretch problem areas. Restart treadmill and run .75 mile at 9.3mph. walk until HR falls to 130. Do a total of 4 of these. You should feel like you had another one in you when you quit. Stretch thorougly.

Treadmill workout, 0% grade.

Warmed up, 14 minutes 1.5 miles. Stretched. Ramped up to 9.3 mph (6:27 pace) for .75 mi, HR peaked around 157. Walked, HR dropped very quickly below 130 (45 seconds), finished walking 1/2 lap to get even starting point for next reapeat and it was below 120. Repeated 4 times including cool down. Quads sore and some L shin pain at start but warmed up into run. Medium effort, could easily have done more of these as long as shin held up.
