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9:00 AM

37 mi


13.88 mi / hr


153 lb
126 bpm
45 bpm
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ACTUAL: Tough Love Spinervals dvd on hardtail MTB, hard effort with lots of out of the saddle work. Went hard (too hard?) the first hour, lots of Z3 and Z4 work. Kept at it the second hour, but more Z2 work with a lot of easier gear work in the dvd. Never really pushed Lactate Threshold of 156 like Coach Troy wanted. Lost focus/energy the third hour, bagged it at 2:40 when HR started dropping into Z1 and legs were feeling toasted. Great workout, nice and sore afterwards, will try to make 3:00 next time. Nutrition: 2 bottles Accelerade, 1 bottle Nuun, 1 bottle Clip2, 1 Powerbar. Need to add in another bar and/or some GU next time to keep energy up.

PLAN: 3 hr dvd, follow recommended hr per dvd

Tamela; try to stay ahead of the bonk. Start thinking about how many calories you consume per hour during your hard efforts and plan accordingly. This will help during races as well. Dialing in caloric intake is a big thing.
