Bike: Long Previous Next


2:00 PM

15.5 mi


15.5 mi / hr


153 lb
50 bpm
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ACTUAL: MTB on trainer. Bike fairly hard, mostly Z3 HR around low 140's. Gearing, big ring on front, alternated 5th/4th/3rd cog up on rear. Avg 218W for hour. Legs recovered nicely from yesterday's torture session (tough love). Nutrition: 1 bottle Accelerade, 1 Nuun, 1 expired banana GU (classic flavor, discontinued over a year ago), 1 new Cliff Shot (Apple Pie, still not sure if I like this one). No bonking! Jump off bike, < 1 minute transition to treadmill for 2nd half of brick (swap HR monitor, write down bike details, change shoes, go!).

Note: Resting HR was a bit elevated this morning compared to normal.

PLAN: Okay, you are gonna do a brick workout and it will be fun! 1 hour on the trainer, then 4 miles on the treadmill!
