Bike: Interval Previous Next


6:00 PM

42.3 mi


19.98 mi / hr


143 lb


80 F


This time around I had a better idea of where the hell I was going and where the sprint points were. The first sprint point I was off the back and no where near it. From then on I was in the mix the entire time. At the 4th sprint point, I surged @ the base of a hill and split the field. I didnt win the sprint but set the tone for the rest of the ride. Me and 3 other guys found ourselves out ahead of the group by a fair margin and decided to press on to the 5 hills sprint point. As we rolled into the first, I took off again near the base of the first climb. I was out of my saddle for most of the hills, sitting down only near the top. I made it about 1/2 way up the last hill before 2 other riders caught me. The rest of the ride was dicking around and we let the group catch back up. We had a decent pace the last 5 miles before the cool down into Chippewa. It was another solid ride and I can tell I am much more comfortable cornering @ higher speeds than I was before.

