Bike: Training Previous Next


11:00 AM

52 mi


16 mi / hr


143 lb


90 F
  • Map


Rode the 25 mile loop with Ritzer, Bader, and Jake. Glen was in the support van leading the way. It was hot as fuck and very windy...but a warm wind. We started out relatively flat for the first 9 miles, with a few inclines mixed in, then the first big climb was @ mile 9, 300 vertical ft, 10 % grade avg. I had to push Bader half way up...he didnt stop, which was a plus. Jake didnt have any trouble up the first one, Ritzer rode with him up. Then we had a few rollers mixed in until mile 17, where the big fucker (750 vertical ft) was waiting for us. This one was 1.3 miles long, with an avg grade of 10%, maxing out @ 16 % midway. This one, Bader made about half way up and had to stop. He walked for a bit, I pushed, and pushed and pushed. Stopped. Then pushed and pushed his ass all the way up the damn hill. We made it to Blue Mound with a nice decent, but still had a 250 vertical ft climb to get out of Blue Mound and back to the start of the loop. I pushed Bader's ass up this one as well.

Jake and Bader were dying by the end of the first loop and we still had 1 more loop to go. We averaged 16.7 mph the first time around. I pushed Bader up most hills the second time around, even the small incline and on some flats too. He and Jake had to stop @ the first hill this time, making it about a 1/3 of the way up....We stopped 3 miles after this hill and recharged their batteries. I was still going good and didnt hurt at all. My ass was fine, my quad, hammys, and calves were awesome! I was feeling amazing...maybe because we were crawling...We rode on to the big fucker for the second time. Bader was defeated even before we started it the second time. Jake started going switchback up it, which helped alot and I dont think he had to stop...Bader on the other hand was struggling, There were a few time where i thought he was going to tip over...After walking, switchbacking and walking and riding...he finally made it to the top. From here on, I rode with Jake back to the start and called it a day.

I am predicting at least 1 Scheels team doesnt finish the 100 miles, there is no way an average person climb these hills. Out of the hundreds that do this race, many will be broken by the hills. The first 25 miles is rolling the entire way with a lot of 60 ft, and 90 ft climbs and I would assume the way back is the same. The middle 50 will conquer anyone who isnt mentally strong. This is going to be AWESOME! 3 more weeks to wait til I kick some ass. I think if we average 16 mph, we will win the bikes...thats how tough this effing course is....
