Health: Micturition Syncope Previous Next


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woke up and went pee. After I got done peeing, all I remember was waking up, laying next to the toilet. I was out of it and very light headed. MJ heard me fall and came in the bathroom to see if I was alright. I said I was fine and then blacked out again for 15-20 seconds. During that time, I had a tremor and my body was shaking for about 10 seconds. MJ helped me up stairs where I drank some juice and then went to ER.

They took my vitals and everything was normal, EKG..normal, blood tests...normal. What the doctor said happened, because my blood pressure and heart rate was so low from sleeping, when I went pee it dipped too low and I fainted. He said the tremor was from my brain still not getting enough blood and was trying to get my body to lay flat, so my brain and heart were level.

I was checked out of the hospital by 9:30am and felt like crap the rest of the day.
