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7:20 PM

3 km


4:36 mi


143 lb
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I was on the far outside of the 2nd alley for the start. The gun went off and I made sure to get out hot; I didnt want to mess around with the 19 other guys in the race. I tucked in behind Lonning and sat in 2nd place for a lap or 2. Richert moved up on us as the pace began to slow a bit and passed us. I noticed a small gap was starting to form between Lonning and Phil. I went around Lonning and closed the gap. From here I sat on Phil for a chunk of the race. Our 1st K was 2:52, next I zoned out for a good 4 laps only staring @ the SP on the back of Phil's jersey. I didnt look at anything else, just that little SP logo.

I noticed the lap counter said 7 laps to go....I was still feeling fresh and very relaxed. We went throu the 2K in 5:49 (2:57 k) and debated if I should take the lead. I was hesitant because I had no clue what kind of shape I was in....all I knew is I still felt amazing. My left side started to get tight from not being used to the tight corners, but this was a annoyance more than anything. A LAX kid and Tim Thornburg moved up on us and boxed me in for the next lap, so I couldnt go with 4 laps to go. I decided to make my move with 3 laps to go....then I questioned my decision....then said fuck it, Im going with 3 Laps. As we came off the final turn with 3 laps to go, I slingshotted the corner and flew by Richert. I had 1 good move in me and I didnt want to ease up the slightest. I came around with 2 laps to go and couldnt feel anyone on my back but picked up the pace again. With 1 lap to go, my chest started to burn and I could feel my legs and arms overstriding. Wes was yelling at me on the back stretch to watch my form. I could smell the finish with 100m to go and tried to fix my form coming down the home stretch...I dont think my form got any better but I didnt care. I WON!!! My last k was about 2:45ish and I closed my last 400m in a 63.

I told everyone all week I planned on winning the 3k and how I was going to win; Then I went out and executed my plan. The race didnt hurt quite as bad as I thought it would, the race felt amazing....i dont remember 3k's feeling that good....
