Dick hurt in the cold morning (Read 4744 times)

    Yesterday morning I ran with my running tights for 8 miles. My dick really hurt a lot after finish. It was cold like ice and I had to hold it for 3 minutes to warm it up.


    Does any boy have this problem? How do you prevent it?

    5k - 20:56 (09/12), 7k - 28:40 (11/12), 10k trial - 43:08  (03/13), 42:05 (05/13), FM - 3:09:28 (05/13), HM - 1:28:20 (05/14), Failed 10K trial - 6:10/mi for 4mi (08/14), FM - 3:03 (09/14)

    Lazy idiot

      Um, wear more than just a pair of tights if it's that cold?

      Tick tock



        Maybe this'll help.

        Life Goals:

        #1: Do what I can do

        #2: Enjoy life





          Maybe this'll help.

          Do they come in different sizes?


          For OP, I think the advice from Dr. Dave Martin would be fitting here: "Man's got a brain; use it!"

          Lazy idiot

            Do they come in different sizes?


            For OP, I think the advice from Dr. Dave Martin would be fitting here: "Man's got a brain; use it!"


            1. Ha

            2. I think the problem is that his brain was frozen.

            Tick tock

              My brain was frozen!


              I am not a morning person and I don't normally do the early morning run. I didn't realize 2C (36F) would freeze my dick after 8 mile run.

              5k - 20:56 (09/12), 7k - 28:40 (11/12), 10k trial - 43:08  (03/13), 42:05 (05/13), FM - 3:09:28 (05/13), HM - 1:28:20 (05/14), Failed 10K trial - 6:10/mi for 4mi (08/14), FM - 3:03 (09/14)


              Self anointed title

                 How do you prevent it?


                I don't live in Nova Scotia



                  In seriousness, these are great: http://www.brooksrunning.com/Equilibrium-Windbrief-Boxer/210034,default,pd.html


                  They'll keep your nethers protected in much, much colder temperatures than 2C.

                  "When a person trains once, nothing happens. When a person forces himself to do a thing a hundred or a thousand times, then he certainly has developed in more ways than physical. Is it raining? That doesn't matter. Am I tired? That doesn't matter, either. Then willpower will be no problem." 
                  Emil Zatopek

                    I had to hold it for 3 minutes to warm it up.


                    You know how when your hands are cold, you rub them together and use friction to warm them up? If you did this while in the right frame of mind, it might not take so long. Willis

                      How do you prevent it?

                      I live in frigid north in MN and been running in here for the past 22 years and my dick is still alive and kicking.  Maybe it's too small to feel the effect and I always dress well (most of the time).  It's usually not my general but my butts that get freezing cold.  So a few years ago I went to Target and picked up one of those warm quarter length underwear and I wore that, then shorts, tights and windbreaker pants.  It's got too warm so I never worn them again.  My butts still get cold but not unbearable--it's only skin-deep cold because we use our butt muscles a lot while running.  On the other hand, your male organs don't do much while running at all.  There's a reason why they stick out--they have to be slightly cooler than body temperature.  Stands to reason why you need to be extra cautious for them in the extreme cold condition--they'll be one of the most vulnerable; you don't just wear tights and jump outside (although 36F is nothing compared to what we usually face in MN in the winter).

                        You know how when your hands are cold, you rub them together and use friction to warm them up? If you did this while in the right frame of mind, it might not take so long. Willis


                        LOL. Good advice! I guess it would be too soft to rub it.

                        5k - 20:56 (09/12), 7k - 28:40 (11/12), 10k trial - 43:08  (03/13), 42:05 (05/13), FM - 3:09:28 (05/13), HM - 1:28:20 (05/14), Failed 10K trial - 6:10/mi for 4mi (08/14), FM - 3:03 (09/14)

                          In seriousness, these are great: http://www.brooksrunning.com/Equilibrium-Windbrief-Boxer/210034,default,pd.html


                          They'll keep your nethers protected in much, much colder temperatures than 2C.


                          Brooks only deliver to the US address. I will look for some similar.

                          5k - 20:56 (09/12), 7k - 28:40 (11/12), 10k trial - 43:08  (03/13), 42:05 (05/13), FM - 3:09:28 (05/13), HM - 1:28:20 (05/14), Failed 10K trial - 6:10/mi for 4mi (08/14), FM - 3:03 (09/14)

                            Wind proof briefs - MEC used to have good ones, I've got a couple pair and their my favorite, but there're other ones.

                              I have the Asics briefs, and they work very well.  The version from Craft also comes highly recommended.

                              "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                              -- Dick LeBeau

                              Meat Wagon


                                Pop a Viagra before your run and it'll keep the blood flowing to lil' Davey.

                                Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive.