3:20 Marathoners ... New and Improved for (the rest of) 2017 (Read 372 times)

Strict WTF adherent

    In my continued deferral to our real leader, I offer the following:


    In 2013, dad said: "I put 3:20 and beyond in the title because 3:20 is more than a goal. It's a mindset and just the start. Many have used this thread's predecessors as their launching point for exploits way beyond sub 3:20. Our alumni have run multiple sub 3s and a bunch of ultras up to the WS100 Tahoe 200; we have members who are going for have gotten Moose Mugs and are going for shorter distance PRs."

    We have a few guidelines:

    - Everyone is welcome - new timers, old timers, old timers flitting through for a brief cameo, new timers flitting through for one question and then never to be seen again.  Well, everyone starts out welcome...

    - We are usually nice to each other.  When one of us needs to be taken down a notch, try to keep the throat punches down to the bare minimum required to get the job done.

    - Try to post your training on a weekly basis.  We're all here to learn from and help each other.

    Ilana likes capital letters, but we respect freedom of speech and typing style.

    - Sometimes you will see strange terms like TURD, BOTT, Botswana / Brezhnev / Biddeford / etc ... one must earn the right to ask what those things mean! Context helps, too.

    - If all you do is come to dump your training logs and ask questions but never interact with anyone else about their training/life, expect RLK to show you the door.


    I'll continue to maintain the 3:20 Outcasts group here, but expect to use this as the main thread. Post away!

    Strict WTF adherent

      Can someone link that Google doc with the races so it stays on Page 1?


      Also, I'd suggest subscribing to the thread if you're an active member who relies on email for updates.




        Mile 5:24 3k 11:01 5k 19:01 10k 38:34 hm 1:26:57 fm 3:02:33


        Mother of Cats

          Yo - I like this much better.


          Will catch up on my weeklies tonight.  In the meantime, I wanted to let y'all know that my marathon is OFF for this weekend.


          As I mentioned before, my cat's been sick, and I'm just not sure that she'll be stable enough by Friday for me to feel comfortable leaving her.  Additionally, I've honestly been really stressed about it and not sleeping well - not good for the final week of taper.   I'm just not in a good place mentally to race a marathon.


          So I pulled the plug today (last day I could cancel the hotel).


          I have tentative plans to try to extend my taper and run Columbus the following week.  Whether I actually run it depends on how she's doing next week.  I've got a hotel and a bib, and a refundable Southwest credit that I can use for the flight, so I'll book that.  If she's still in the woods next Thursday, then Columbus is off as well, and no fall marathon for me.


          It sucks, because I'm in really good shape, and I don't know how I'll run off of a 5 week taper (if I run).  It will also suck if I don't get to race a marathon at all after this cycle.  But such is life.   There's a lot of people dealing with running injuries or losses of loved ones who would dearly love to trade places with me.

          Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


          And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


          Duke Of Bad Judgment

            DW: I hope your cat improves.

            Maston: Hi

            McB: Thanks for doing all that hard internet work.

            MrsMcB: You are married to a real treasure.  Hopefully he lets you know that regularly but I wanted to make sure.


            Duke Of Bad Judgment

              Does everyone get u-trow advertisements here, or am I special?  Before I subscribe/pay, I want to make sure this place works.  I can do a lot with $10.


              Cobra Commander Keen

                Halloa, all!

                The hip is doing better, and I'm hoping more ice and rest is all that's needed to get me back on the roads.


                DW - Bummer about the cat and the marathon postponement. Hopefully the former gets better, so the latter doesn't happen again. 

                Max - I never got ads, even before kicking in $10. uBlock Origin is awesome, and  I'm pretty sure the biggest reason I didn't have the issues with the Other Place that most people talked about. 

                5k: 17:58 11/22 │ 10k: 37:55 9/21 │ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 │ M: 2:56:05 12/22


                Upcoming Races:




                Jim E

                  Dwave - Sorry to hear about the kitty and the skipped marathon. I hope things are better nest week.


                  McBen - Thanks for starting the thread again.


                  Hmm, Now RA has pulled a whole lot of my runs over from Garmin Connect, But of course it only got the Garmin data, not the titles, notes, shoes or anything. Gonna have to do a bit of form filling I guess.

                  Arvind Balaraman

                    My Training Last Week


                    Successfully did my second 20 miler.


                    Day Miles Pace Description
                    Mon 7:40 7:50 Easy 8
                          Foam Rolling 15 min
                          Bootcamp 45 min
                    Tue     Foam Rolling 20 min
                          Spinning class 45 min
                      7.01 9:01 Hill repeats
                    Wed     Foam Rolling 20 min
                          Strength Training 30 min
                      5 8:00 Treadmill run
                    Thu 12.17 7:18 10 MP run with 1 WU and 1 CD
                          Foam rolling 20 min
                          Core workout 30 min
                    Fri     Foam Rolling 15 min
                          Strenght Training 30 min
                    Sat 20.43 8:26 Week 13 LSD
                          Foam Rolling 20 min
                    Sun 3.19 12:12 Paced kids for a local 5K race
                    Total 56.12    

                    Pace Prophet

                      So are we abandoning the usergroup?  (oh, wait, I just read McBen's intro more thoroughly.)


                      $10 is dirt cheap.  When I am a casual user here I have just let my adblock take care of things, but now that I'm planning on reading and posting more, I paid for a subscription.  But it's up to you guys.  I know that the economics usually works out that if only a small percentage of people pay (which is what you get when things are voluntary), the basic costs are covered.


                      I'm still not running, but I'm over my cold and back to swimming, pool-running and stationary biking (as you may have seen on Strava).  Things have improved enough that I can swim without the pull-buoy, though I'm limiting how much of that I'm doing because I really don't want to inhibit healing.


                      Darkwave, happy thoughts for your cat.  (And fingers crossed for a fall marathon for you.)


                      Sam - how did the 10k go, and how are you rebroken?


                      Anyone else have a race coming up?

                        McBen -


                        Thanks for leading the EXODUS.

                        Ja people of 320 would be lost in the wilderness without you....You're like a a tech-savvy Moses.

                          I have tentative plans to try to extend my taper and run Columbus the following week. 


                          What about taking a better break and reloading for Philly?  It's close and bound to have cool weather.


                          Mother of Cats


                            What about taking a better break and reloading for Philly?  It's close and bound to have cool weather.


                            No Philly.


                            Two reasons:


                            1) Philly and I have a toxic relationship.  I've attempted it three times.  The first time I DNS'd due to injury (and someone stole my bib and ran 5:30 with it..)  The second I blew up and walk/ran 3:20.  The third time I approached it with the goal of not blowing up no matter how slow I had to run to accomplish that.  Nope.  Blew up, walk/ran 3:22.

                            My worst marathon performances have all been at Philly.


                            2) I'm targeting Houston Half in January as a goal race, and then Boston in April.   So what I want to do is to run an October marathon, take down time, focus on short stuff, and then race Houston.  I race half-marathons best from 10K type training rather than marathon training.  So I want a gap between my fall marathon and Houston.  Then take a shorter break after Houston before building from that into Boston.

                            Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


                            And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


                              is this the place that the nomadic tribe known as "3:20" will finally call home?


                              dwave:  sorry to hear about the cat.  we continue to have issues with ours as well, but probably not quite the same as you.

                              ilana:  i'm avoiding using capital letters because rlk started using them, and someone needs to use lower case! 

                              max:  i use ublock as well, and don't get any ads.  my $10 was invested in beer...ok, make that $100.


                              hey to the rest of you!


                              Duke Of Bad Judgment

                                Welcome Old Man National Champion!  Good to see you here also.  (Hint to everyone else - you might want to ask why I'm calling him that.)


                                On the dirt cheapness of $10, I'm not going to spend a lot of time deciding, and I wasn't even complaining about the ads.  I was just curious if I'm the only one getting u-trow ads.  If Brew is getting beer ads, and Ilana is getting home remedy ads, and OMNC is getting bobblehead trophy offers, and I'm getting u-trow ads, I wanna know that.