Jogging... Not. (Read 2593 times)

    This might be a touchy topic. But I do hate it when anyone refers to my running as "jogging". Angry What's the difference between jogging and running anyways? What do you reply to those folks. - R

    Maggie & Molly

      running is when both feet are momentarily off the ground at the same time. I run.

       "It does not matter how slow you go so long as you do not stop."
      Wisdom of Confucius

      HF 4363


        "I believe it's jogging or yogging. it might be a soft j. I'm not sure but apparently you just run for an extended period of time. It's supposed to be wild." If Ron burgundy said they are the same, then they are!

        Lazy idiot

          This might be a touchy topic. But I do hate it when anyone refers to my running as "jogging". Angry What's the difference between jogging and running anyways? What do you reply to those folks. - R
          It is a touchy topic to some, and I'll admit that I don't care for the term. But really, what's the difference? Four letters, and not much else.

          Tick tock

          Mr Inertia

          Suspect Zero

            The difference is strictly marketing. "Jogging" has an easy, all comers feel to it. "Running" seems like you're putting more on the line. Sweat by any other name would smell as stinky. You could call it phanomulating for all I care, it doesn't change the nature of my relationship with the sport.
              Yeah, not to be snob, but jogging has an, I don't know, tacky-matching-sweatsuits and terrycloth sweat/headbands kind of imagery associated with it in my mind. And definitely very little effort, as though the goal is movement, but definitely with no sweat desired. But Ron Burgundy's definition was great.


                "The difference between a runner and a jogger is an entry blank." I don't see either term as offensive.

                Run to Win
                25 Marathons, 17 Ultras, 16 States (Full List)


                  To me, jogging has always been running as a means to an end rather than end to itself. Joggers are doing cardio. They're losing weight. They're trying to fit into their wedding dress. It's part of their training for some other athletic pursuit. Or maybe they do it to impress the babes. But in all cases, its a tool ... a means to some other end. Runners run ... to run. They aren't doing it to achieve some indirectly related goal - they are running to run. If there is a goal, it is only to be able to run more, farther, faster. To me, its never had anything to do with speed. There are some 'joggers' who are mighty fast. Or the clothes you wear. Some of the best runners I've known don't own a single thing you could buy at Fleet Feet, while my jogger neighbor has a Garmin and enough tech gear to stock a store. Joggers are getting something out of running. Runners are putting something into it. For runners, running is the end in and of itself. Runners run to run. And I am no jogger. Just my dos pesos.

                  E-mail: eric.fuller.mail@gmail.com


                    Yeah! - what Jake said! That's what I think about it too. In fact, when my husband and I met and were getting to know each other, he said one of the things that attracted him was that I was a runner and not a jogger. It's just a different mindset. 25 years later, we're still running.

                    Don't make excuses for why you can't get it done. 

                    Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen.

                    Kenotic Runner

                      I used to wear bright primary colors of cotton. I used to wear long white tube socks with stripes of my hometown's teams colors. I used to have head bands and wrist bands. I used to have permed hair. I used to think 2 miles was starting to get far. I used to jog a bit in high school in the 80s. Now I wear only technical materials. And my socks are technical material, ankle high and even marked right and left. And instead of a sweat band on the wrist, I have a GPS. And now 4 miles is short and I'm much faster now than I ever was then. I run. Maybe I just don't want to go back to being that pimple-faced kid of 25 years ago.

                      Man in Tights

                        Jogging is simply running at a slow and usually steady pace. And it's relative. I run a half marathon in 1:36. For Paul Targat that might be a gentle jog. I've not come across any clear definitions. But I don't mind being called either. The Izumi ad though very well written is absolute hogwash. It's obviously by a copywriter who's most probably never run. I'm from the advertising industry and know for a fact that we write with great passion about things we rarely believe in. That's what clients pay us for. So chill. Cool

                        Beatin' on the Rock

                          I found this offensive. Guess if I was a REAL runner, I wouldn't have? No
                          Be yourself. Those that matter, don't mind. Those that mind, don't matter.

                          Good Bad & The Monkey

                            I found this offensive. Guess if I was a REAL runner, I wouldn't have? No
                            Correct. Wink Big grin

                              "The difference between a runner and a jogger is an entry blank."
                              That's one of Sheehan's stupider sayings. I don't race, of course, but I do run.
                              90 percent of the game is not giving up.