Bike: Easy Previous Next


46.9 mi


16.54 mi / hr

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Outdoor bike to Enosburg and back on the rail trail. Not the best conditions but ok. Was planning for 50 mile ride but started raining pretty heavy at mile 17 so turned around at Enosburg for 36 outdoor miles. Took about a 10 minute break to undress and redress and hop on the Peloton. Settled for a 30 minute class and opted to just finish at almost 47 miles. Probably close to 3 hours. Feeling good. None of this at hard effort but I'm still tired.


10.57 miles

Total output 351

avg 195


Max coming home on Saturday. He has some plans with teammates in Boston and New York outside of his training, hunting and fishing so won't be too much entertaining for us. We will do one trip to NYC and Philly with him. I'm looking forward to some hard days in the gym. Arden birthday next week. Can hardly believe how fast a year goes.....I'm a year older every single year and I better make the best of it.



It will be so fun to have Max around. And can't believe about Arden!