Beginners and Beyond


Fickle Fridailies (Read 34 times)


    what is more impressive is the 10.8 miles per day average


    Truth. I couldn't touch that with a 39 and a half foot pole.


      I was gonna run 6 miles this morning,  woke to my glutes seriously sore as hell.... I might make this week a recovery week, I've got a massage appointment Monday..


      Try some ass strengthening moves. That helped ease the pain for me and allowed running to be tolerable.


        'Morning!!  2600 yard swim done.  I had 4800 yards on the schedule but I didn't have time for the whole thing thanks to early work meetings.  And speaking of fickle, swimming is fickle.  I figured out a kink in my swim stroke halfway through my workout this morning, and I was suddenly swimming faster once I figured it out.  I've got an easy run tonight before my 18 mile ass kicker tomorrow.


        Goal marathon pace or faster?




          Everyone in my house has been coughing for 4 weeks now.


          Evict them. 👎



            Good morning!


            Being as it wasn't raining yet, and the temp was 51 when I got up, I rode outside for 100.7 km (that's 62.6 miles for the metrically challenged).  I'll take a Gran Fondo in February and smile Smile.


            Have a kickass day!

            Runner with a riding problem.

            delicate flower


              South.  North, you would've not even seen me as you would start ahead and stay there.


              I'd have seen you after the turnaround.  I'll see you on the course but I won't be passing you unless I decide to attempt the marathon world record.  You'll probably be around mile 10-11 when I go shuffling by in the opposite direction.




                I bet that felt awesome you were able to figure that out. And is the ass kicker your pace run tomorrow?


                I'm about to hit the TM for 5. We've been hit with another cold spell. Yay.


                Yep. I'm officially in treadmill season. Blerg.


                  Speaking of the torture chamber, I daydreamed for 62 minutes while on it this morning. That was good enough for 7 miles.

                  delicate flower


                    Goal marathon pace or faster?


                    Well 3:00 marathon is a 6:52 pace, and my target tomorrow is 6:50.  So technically just a hair faster.  I'll back off if it feels too hard though.  I am not going to blow myself up on a training run.




                      Did he have a reason for your account getting shit-canned?


                      He still hasn't figured out why it happened. he said it is the first time that has ever happened. Could have been worse: I could have ordered a $1200 lawn mower.



                        Well 3:00 marathon is a 6:52 pace, and my target tomorrow is 6:50.  So technically just a hair faster.  I'll back off if it feels too hard though.  I am not going to blow myself up on a training run.


                        Do you warm up at all?


                        I do not care about the average pace in my log, so I always ease into them things. If I had an 18 mile run at MP (or a hair faster), I would target an 18 mile run, with a 15 or 16 miles chunk at MP, after a 2-3 mile warmup. At least a minimum of one mile to raise the HR, to warm up the legs.

                        delicate flower


                          Do you warm up at all?


                          I do not care about the average pace in my log, so I always ease into them things. If I had an 18 mile run at MP (or a hair faster), I would target an 18 mile run, with a 15 or 16 miles chunk at MP, after a 2-3 mile warmup. At least a minimum of one mile to raise the HR, to warm up the legs.


                          I always have a warm up built into my workout runs.  Tomorrow is 18 with the last 16 at GMP.  So, a two mile warm up.  I can't start a run and go right into running hard.  My legs and lungs need to warm up.





                            Try some ass strengthening moves. That helped ease the pain for me and allowed running to be tolerable.


                            I'm a little pissed, I probably could've ran lol. The soreness is already going away, yesterday morning I did some glute workouts with my booty bands while at work. Then got home and did some foam rolling and stretches for the glutes and piriformis, then took Dorian and the dogs out to Lincoln State Park for what ended up being a 4.4 mile hike with some running (thanks to Dorian dictating the pace) which really did my ass in. Got home and did some really rough foam rolling focusing on the glutes and then more stretches, I think I might've been a little too rough 

                            *Do It For Yourself, Do It Because They Said It Was Impossible, Do It Because They Said You Were Incapable*


                            5k - 24:15 (7:49 min/mile pace) 

                            10k - 51:47 (8:16 min/mile pace)

                            15k -1:18:09 (8:24 min/mile pace)

                            13.1 - 1:53:12 (8:39 min/mile pace)

                             26:2 - 4:14:55 (9:44 min/mile)


                            Former Bad Ass


                              Yep. I'm officially in treadmill season. Blerg.


                              Join the club.  It's always treadmill season down here. Wink



                              Former Bad Ass


                                He still hasn't figured out why it happened. he said it is the first time that has ever happened. Could have been worse: I could have ordered a $1200 lawn mower.


                                LOL, that was epic.

