Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


    6.12 miles at 11:32 mpm.  Average HR 129 high 135, MAF HR is 145.  I am not sure if it is better to train where I am or closer to 145.


    That's fine. Maffetone suggests a 10-beat zone in his books. For you 135-45 bpm. He also says lower is okay, too. I can attest to that as I've used 20 beat zones, starting out at MAF-20 and ending up at MAF by the end of the run.


      Wow you get a lot of good walking in!


      To answer your question, I certainly didn't feel like I was working harder.  The conditions did change as it was getting dark and cold but I wouldn't think that would matter.  My breathing was starting to labor more than normal though.


      All I'm doing is walking right now. I'm a little heavy and want to get my volume up without the impact. Lots of brisk walking is a greta way to build aerobic base and to prepare for running.


      As for your run, colder should be less stress. If your breathing became labored then it sounds like you were under greater stress for some reason like wind, faster pace, slight hill, etc.



      9.58 miles


      17:13 pace


        I've noticed that my heart rate tends to oscillate by 5 or 6 beats during a run. Is that typical and or is there any way to counter it?


        I did a 4.0 mile run today: MAF is 145. Sometimes the HR jumps up 5 or 6 bpm for a few seconds and then comes down. Hence the high HR during the 2nd and 3rd mile.


        Time      Avg HR        Max HR


        10:36        136               144

        10:46        144               149

        11:13         142              148

        11:08         142              146


          I've noticed that my heart rate tends to oscillate by 5 or 6 beats during a run. Is that typical and or is there any way to counter it?


          I did a 4.0 mile run today: MAF is 145. Sometimes the HR jumps up 5 or 6 bpm for a few seconds and then comes down. Hence the high HR during the 2nd and 3rd mile.


          Time      Avg HR        Max HR


          10:36        136               144

          10:46        144               149

          11:13         142              148

          11:08         142              146


          I'm glad you asked that question because I don't know the answer and I hope someone else shares some wisdom.  That is totally typical for me.  In fact, I'm not sure how to properly handle it.  Sometimes that drift will bring me over MAF and I will just ignore it and continue my current pace because I know there is a good chance that it is probably just an oscillation on the high side.  However, sometimes I'm wrong and it won't immediately come back down and I will then slow down.  So basically my process is to only start slowing down if the alarm goes off twice in succession because often it will oscillate and I'm assuming it's the HRM.  It all happens very quickly.


          Take everything I say with a grain of salt as I just started this in mid-December.  However, my paces are improving so something is at least kind of working.


          This morning for me:


          MAF: 146

          Avg HR:  140


          Mile 1:  8:46 (warm up)

          Mile 2:  7:56

          Mile 3:  7:57

          Mile 4:  8:18

          Mile 5:  8:19

          Mile 6:  8:33

          Mile 7:  9:23

          Mile 8:  9:17

          Mile 10:  8:35

          Mile 10.5:  8:38


          Former Bad Ass


            I'm sorry about that. Where is the tear Interior or anterior? Depending on the location and the skill of the surgeon it makes a difference of repair. Mine was interior so scraping and cleaning.


            Please please please take it from me. Do not hurry back to running. It will be so very tempting but spend time walking, on the bike and weight lifting to regain strength. I didn't do that and it cost me at least 4 added months on the sidelines.


            Oh and in my usual qualifiying approach I wanted to know if my surgeon knew his stuff. After we talked through the MRI and his approach I asked him how many of these procedures he had performed (he looked kind of young). He told me he stopped counting around 3000. I told him that was good form me.


            4 miles today @ 11:20 and AHR of 130. getting better. Have at least 1.5 mile per day streak for the month going.


            Mine is the interior flap tear on the back horn (the back of the knee area).  It's a small flap tear, which means I did it recently.


            Best news is that my knees are perfect.  No arthritis, no nothing.  There goes people's theory that running is bad for your knees.



            Former Bad Ass

              Hi, guys.  Just killing time until surgery either next Thursday or the Tuesday after.  Waiting for confirmation.


              Walked and biked this week.  Will do some more biking this weekend.



                I've noticed that my heart rate tends to oscillate by 5 or 6 beats during a run. Is that typical and or is there any way to counter it?


                I did a 4.0 mile run today: MAF is 145. Sometimes the HR jumps up 5 or 6 bpm for a few seconds and then comes down. Hence the high HR during the 2nd and 3rd mile.


                Time      Avg HR        Max HR


                10:36        136               144

                10:46        144               149

                11:13         142              148

                11:08         142              146


                There's heart rate drift and then there are what might be called spikes. Drift is the phenomenon f an ever increasing heart rate over time while going the same pace. After warming up to a set pace and HR on the TM, and keeping that pace for the whole run, my heart rate might drift upwards 20 bpm by the end of a 2-3 hour run. Dehydration, rate of heat dissipation, and exhausted muscle fibers all contribute to this.


                When running outside, spikes aren't unusual. You can be going along at 140 bpm, and suddenly the HR jumps up 5-10 bpm. Sometimes it's the watch, sometimes something's changed in the running environment like a small incline, change in wind, or you've increased speed. Whatever the cause, don't worry about the brief ones. If you're in the aerobic base phase, then try to get it back down to MAF or below.



                9 mile walk


                17:44 pace



                3 mile walk


                17:38 pace


                42 miles walking in the last 7 days.


                Have a great weekend!


                  Obi wan jimmy is correct aboit spikes. Ignore them i do. Look to the overall trend. Feel the force.


                  6 miles at 11 mpm on tm because i cant find my running tights to go out in the cold. 131 ahr. Very happy about my progress.

                  "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                  "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                  Consistently Slow

                    0.7 mile walk to the library.

                    Run until the trail runs out.

                     SCHEDULE 2016--

                     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                    unsolicited chatter



                      Interesting long run today. Notice how the HR comes down as I progress into the run. MAF is 145, did 7 miles on a treadmill




                      split    Avg HR   High HR

                      11:32    131      136
                      11:32    137      144
                      11:32    140      143
                      11:32    140      143
                      11:32    138      141
                      11:32    137      140
                      11:32    136      140


                        9.55 miles walk


                        16:45 pace with hills

                        51.58 miles walking the last 7 days


                          Jimmyb, I can't believe how many miles you are walking.  That's unbelievable.  I really hope the scenery is spectacular or have good podcasts, music or audiobooks to listen to.  Wow.  Since I started the MAF method in mid-December my avg weekly mileage is 53.  57.9 this last week.


                          Yesterday I did a reasonably long run over 2 and a half hours the day after doing a 12.5 miler through rolling hills and 50 mph wind gusts.  I like to think that building accumulated fatigue the day before the long run is a good thing but I could be wrong.


                          MAF:  146

                          Avg HR:  137

                          Conditions:  Scattered ice, Elevation gain 295, Elevation drop 315, Sustained winds 30 mph with gusts to 45 mph


                          Mile 1:  10:19 (warmup)

                          Mile 2:  8:14

                          Mile 3:  8:20

                          Mile 4:  9:11

                          Mile 5:  9:26

                          Mile 6:  9:03

                          Mile 7:  9:23

                          Mile 8:  10:11

                          Mile 9:  9:06

                          Mile 10:  9:23

                          Mile 11:  9:23

                          Mile 12:  8:46

                          Mile 13:  9:41  (At 2h01m mark experienced spikes in HR over 160.  Started walk/jog cycle.  Same thing happened last week at 2h02m mark)

                          Mile 14:  12:32

                          Mile 15:  11:21 (At 2h20m mark, recovered back to a good pace, no walking required)

                          Mile 16:  10:04 (cooldown)

                          Mile 16.2:  10:49 (cooldown)


                            Jimmyb, I can't believe how many miles you are walking.  That's unbelievable.  I really hope the scenery is spectacular or have good podcasts, music or audiobooks to listen to.  Wow.  Since I started the MAF method in mid-December my avg weekly mileage is 53.  57.9 this last week.


                            Thanks. Still holding up and feeling good. Actually enjoying myself. Nice scenery outside my window and plenty of podcasts and Youtube.


                            5.54 miles walk


                            17:4 pace

                            52.59 miles walking the last 7 days


                              Really weird run this morning.

                              Conditions:  Light Snow, 30 degrees, wind 4 mph, mostly dry path with scattered ice.  Slight uphill on front half, slight downhill on back half.


                              MAF 146

                              Mile 1:  9:58     Avg HR:  121  (warmup)

                              Mile 2:  7:03     Avg HR:  128

                              Mile 3:  7:06     Avg HR:  132

                              Mile 4:  7:05     Avg HR:  136

                              Mile 5:  8:54     Avg HR:  142   (was fine until I went too fast down a downhill and pounded some ice cold water - system shock?)

                              Mile 6:  8:42     Avg HR:  144

                              Mile 7:  10:05   Avg HR:  146  (slow jog kept spiking over MAF - walk would bring back down)

                              Mile 8:  16:22   Avg HR:  133  (cooldown)


                              Former Bad Ass

                                Morning!  Day 1 of post surgery countdown to running.  Surgery went well, and I have no pain.  Today, I have some tightness, or what I call knee surgery DOMS.  20-29 days to go before I try running.  Not that I'm counting or anything.
