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11:33 AM

4 mi


12:22 mi


72 F
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T72; H35; DP46; W14sw: Wow, the temp and the humidity numbers aren't telling the truth. It seemed very hot and humid. I worked on aerobics again today The tri book I'm reading says aerobics are slower to bounce back than muscle. So I turned left on Range LIne Rd to include a couple more hills. I'm slower today, having run 3 days in a row, and running a few hills. I'm breathing a lot harder today than yesterday, even tho' I ran slower. (I sure don't know where that 14 mph wind is. I didn't feel a thing.)

I wanted to get up early today to run 7 miles and still have time to clean up before I showed apartments. I just didn't have it in me. I didn't think when I got up, that I would run today, at all. But decided to squeeeze in a quick 4 miles. Even though I'm working on aerobics, I feel as tho' the muscles will respond at the same time. They, no doubt, are getting more of a workout than if I ran a slower 7--my initial goal.

I'd like to run at least another long run, if I can fit it in. It's suppose to raiin the next couple of days. I may have to go to the Petit center to do it. But I prefer running outside. It seems easier, and is a lot more interesting. Most days I'm the only one there, going around in circles. I feel like a hamster in a cage, going around and around on a wheel.
