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11:30 AM

3.1 mi


12:35 mi


adidas F50


160 bpm
223 bpm


50 F
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This is the 1st time I ran w/o a plan. Usually I plan to do 3-6 miles, depending how my legs feel; Or I know that I'll do a long run. But after having run yesterday, and having both knee & IT problems, I didn't know how it would go, so I didn't know how fast to start. If I know I'll only do 3 miles, I try to go faster. I was hoping to be able to do more, so I didn't go all out. Breathing was good, knee was ok--not great. But, again, at mile 2, the IT band was really tight & sore. Usually mile 7 is my Achilles heal for the IT. It is usually tight by then--if at all. That it was tight at mile 2 shows me that I started out very tight. I'll have to get this taken care of before next Saturday's race. I really wanted to walk the last mile home since it hurt so much, but the wind was so strong, that it was too cold to walk. I just wanted to hurry and get home.
