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11:47 AM

9.5 mi


10:59 mi


172 lb



5 / 10
5 / 10

Race Result

54 / 127 (42.5%)
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Wicklow Hills

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Powerscount Ridge (IMRA) 16km hill race. Total of 1000m climb. Decided at the last minute to run this race with Denis. Had done a long run on Thursday so legs weren't that fresh but happy to do a race after 3 good weeks training - takes away some of the boredom. We arrived down at the last minute (as always) and didn't really get a warm up. Didnt matter as I had planned to take it very easy for the first half of the race. Started off easily running with Denis then we came to an absolute beast of a climb. It looked really bad at the start but as we walked up it I realised that it was twice as long as I originally thought. An absolute brute and my calves were crying out in pain half way up. At the top I had to stop and loosen my laces a bit to relieve the pressure on my calves. Ran the next bit ok but not too fast. Our second big climb was another beast up Maulin. Ra\n the first bit and then settled into a good walking pace. Took a gel near the top and then took off at a good pace once we hit the top. From here on in I was running really well and birning past people. My decending skills have improved a lot and I'm a lot braver. I was really flying just before the final climb when I lost concentration passing a guy and tripped. I fell pretty hard and needed to helped up. My watch stopped for some reason - I didn't press any buttons but it could have happened in the fall. It took me quite a while to get my breath back and to be able to start running again. Once I did start again I was stiff and sore but I picked it up again pretty quickly and finished well. The fall probably cost me about 3 - 4 mins in total but it doesn'y look like I have any lasting injuries from it - the only potential is my right foot which seems to have bruised up, hopefully not too bad... Great run out - could probably have done better if I had been fresher but still a great way to end a good weeks training. No real issues with achilles bar it been a bit tender before I started
