Bike: Default Previous Next


1:21 PM

47.8 km


19.02 mi / hr


178 lb
147 bpm
175 bpm



5 / 10
7 / 10
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Portlaoise to Kilkenny cycle. Wind seemed to be against me for most of the way but it wasn't too strong. First cycle since got the bike fitting a few days ago. Noticed the difference straight away that I seemed to be able to get more power into the pedals with the same effort. I was surprised by my speed right up to Durrow when it was 30km/h. Stopped for a relaxing coffee in Durrow with Zoe and Amber. Figured my speed would come down after Durrow as there are more hills and the wind was in my face all the way to KK. Surprised myself by keeping the pace high and absolutely delighted to finish with an average of over 30km/h. No knee problems at all and felt great when I finished. Really looking forward to see if my speed on the bike improves now that I'm set up properly. Will try to see if I can set a new PB on the Bray route some day next week :)
