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7:13 AM

10 mi


10:04 mi




154.5 lb


70 F
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PAW10 Mile: Asher/High/Granite/Wells/Margin Streets (+GAR)

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A beautiful early-AM outing with M & Gwen, and it's a fine run... Although we start out together, I find yet again that I just can't keep their pace, and I'm in no way pushing myself - I think I'm doing around a 10 minute mile when I last have them behind me near Prospect, and by the time we reach the bridge and C.C. O'Brien's, I'm a full block ahead. So my solitary run is a fine one, and I do stop briefly three times to narrow the gap between us, at the top of the Asher Avenue hill, at the start of Wells Street off Granite, and on Margin Street at the river. The down side to that, I suspect though, is what the stops cost me in momentum, and by downtown Westerly crossing back into Pawcatuck, I am truly dragging ass... Perhaps it's just the first time I've really run a distance in awhile, as the tenderness in the bottoms of my feet also attests to, so I certainly can't be too hard on myself, and it really is a gorgeous morning to be out (and a fine chance to reflect on my recent "Running with the Mind of Meditation" readings!) Ultimately, too, M & G end up walking the last mile+ and finally meet me at Foote 25 minutes after I first get there myself, but it is particularly good to hear M say how strong she feels throughout their run (Gwen apparently had gastric issues and had to stop several times) and I'm totally encouraged by her growing personal momentum...
