Run: Easy w/Tempo Previous Next


11.7 mi


6:59 mi


Feeling pretty flat and slightly off early into the run - diaphragm, back and hips all tight and then noticing that my chest was very tight as well. Right knee also a bit achy. A couple quick stretch breaks and then forced myself to tempo despite not feeling great.

Shoulders got rather tight toward the end of run and particularly on the cool-down portion. One of those days where too many small things were bugging me and left me feeling pretty defeated.

On the plus side as soon as I got home I started putting the pieces together and realized that my psoas has tightened back up - seemed to get some relief after a brief massage/stretch but will need to do another few rounds and then try not to let it fall off my radar. Granted, plenty of other areas are bugging me too but in the past the psoas has proven to be a major player for other compensations and unexpected problems.

Tempo was 3.47 in 21:02 - 6:04 pace. Lots of work ahead of me but if I can get my breathing down and get my mechanics a little smoother I foresee this dropping pretty quick.

Work has really been killing me of late and I get stuck sitting for long stretches - need to stand up more and loosen up. Definitely a factor
