Health: 2 Days Off - Busy, a mental break, and healing up Previous Next


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A very much unintentional 2 days off - on a weekend of all times! Busy weekend though with driving a ton, a wedding and visiting Orilla's family. Yes, I could have squeezed in some runs by getting up early or running late or forgoing on some food and beverages...but instead I opted to just relax and hopefully let things heal a bit.

Worked a lot on the diaphragm after Friday night's run where it was very noticeably an issue. Oddly enough, the diaphragm could very well be the driver of my other issues and the harder 5k efforts could have just slowly created more problems and more knots.

After some specific work while on the road I found my back relaxed more and I could move into positions that had previously caused some discomfort.. Right now its looking like 3 muscles are going to get the bulk of focus for me - QL, Psoas and diaphragm. They are all closely related so hopefully I address the root cause somewhere in here.

I did get in a nice strength session in last night as it seemed more important and less mentally challenging than a run (running at 8:30 PM takes some extra motivation for me).
