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Almost a week after the PT work with Ed and feeling a bit better overall.

Still fighting some various rib issues but starting to see the problems as more fascia related and less due to major knots, etc. Still some knots through the intercostals, serratus and neck but stretching seems to help.

Finding that my lower front ribs might be having issues more related to tight abs than the diaphragm or intercostals - again most likley fasica.

Mid / thoracic back is also tight and seemingly related.

More stretching required and more body awareness. Better posture at work!

On a very positive note, I've been working on my hips quite a bit and found that tight/knotted adductors seem to be heavily involved with my hip internal rotation concerns. Some nice improvements over the last couple of days just with improved stretching (entire hip) and some pinpointed massage work.

**Update - April 28th 2014 - the rib sorness looks to be heavily due to a rib flare and perhaps nothing at all to do with tight abs. The flare would instead cause a strain or over-stretch and result in knots and problems. Add in my tight chest muscles and things are being pulled in 2 directions. Having some slow progress with ab work and chest loosening.
