Run: Intervals Previous Next


5:21 AM

4.8 mi


7:31 mi


60 F
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Temp 60 Wind 4 mph. Humidity 95% Dew Point 59°.

Interval Day. Using the track for a leg saver. Rain has push on out, but asphalt surfaces and track is still wet. Fog coming off wet grass on football field gets heavier as workout progresses. Warm-up of 2.33 miles in 20:16 with two surges after getting on the track.

Workout Plan is 6 x 3:00 Minutes On/Off. On = Under CONTROL working from 10K towards 5K effort. Will not be using Garmin to monitor reps. Entire workout on feel. Rep Paces - 6:18 / 6:14 / 6:03. Flip directions - 6:14 / 6:05 / 6:12. Just lost focus and ran the third one too hard. Not sure what was different about the fifth one.

Cool-down jog home. Shortest route possible. 1.71 miles in 16:10.
