Core: MCS Circuit Previous Next


7:00 PM

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MCS Circuit:

one time thru:

Infant Squats x 10

Donkey Kicks x 10 ea. leg

Trail leg circles x 10 ea. way ea. leg

Toes elevated dorsiflexion x 10 ea.

(3 times thru)

Toe Touch Crunch x 30

Supine Plank x 30 sec - make harder add in leg raises

side plank x 20 sec ea - make harder drive knee to elbow

Prone Plank x 30 sec - make harder reach out with arm alt.

Cook Hip Lift x 30 sec holds

Pushups x 65-75% of max (did 20s)

Training Plan Entry

MCS Circuit

MCS Circuit:

one time thru:

Infant Squats x 10

Eagles x 10 front and back

Palms up toes in snow angles x 10

Donkey Kicks x 10 ea. leg

Trail leg circles x 10 ea. way ea. leg

Toes elevated dorsiflexion x 10 ea.

(2-3 times thru)

Toe Touch Crunch x 20-30

Supine Plank x 30 sec - make harder add in leg raises

side plank x 20 sec ea - make harder drive knee to elbow

Prone Plank x 30 sec - make harder reach out with arm alt.

Cook Hip Lift x 30 sec holds

Pushups x 65-75% of max
