Run: Shakeout Previous Next


7:25 PM

5.3 mi


7:22 mi

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<No name>


35-40' EASY shakeout

More strides in the park, 3x5. Hips were pretty tight for the first set but I loosened up a bit. Listened to Jay Johnson's interview with Jorge Torres which was very cool, mostly from a historic perspective - it was fun hearing about some of his races. The FL field his senior year included both Torres, Hartmann + Ritz, Don Sage (I think), Andy Powell, and Franklyn Sanchez! There wasn't too much in the way of advice, he reiterated being consistent which was also Vern Gambetta's final message. There weren't any book recommendations (I need to go back and get down the recommendations from Vern and Steve Magness). Probably the best quote was from after Jorge's freshman year, when FR David Kimani had just won NCAAs and Torres asked Whetmore how he could possibly become a national champion, Whetmore's response was "One day at a time". Also the story about CU's recruiting was pretty funny.

Gotta make some purchases soon: new trainers, a mini-band, mayyyybe a GPS watch.
