Competitive Jerks Racing and Training - 2023 (Read 574 times)


    MMerk- IMHO you are clear sailing to shoot for a 2:55 (weather permitting) with your speed and consistent training only outside factors could slow you down!!


    Dwave- those are 2 nice workouts!  It must be difficult to have to manage a busy track.  I'm luck that both my local and work tracks are lightly used during the times I run so I'm often running alone.


    Steve- Good luck in your upcoming race!  A fast field should help pull you along.


    Flavio- Hope you fell better soon!  Sucks to miss a scheduled race but there will be others


    Solid week back after the recovery week.  I was very pleased with the workout Wednesday and I managed to get strides into 2 other runs.


    Weekly for period: From: 08/14/2023 To 08/20/2023

    <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
    Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
    in ft
    08/14 Lunch Run 7.50 12.07 01:01:54 08:15 05:08 148
    08/15 GA w/10 x 100 strides 9.26 14.90 01:14:58 08:06 05:02 161
    08/16 5 x 1mi with 1 min recovery 10.08 16.22 01:15:40 07:30 04:40 102
    08/17 Recovery 7.65 12.31 01:06:23 08:41 05:24 456
    08/18 GA w/10 x 100 strides 10.01 16.10 01:21:57 08:11 05:05 459
    08/19 Morning Run 7.62 12.27 01:03:00 08:16 05:08 440
    08/20 LR steady 20.21 32.51 02:53:34 08:35 05:20 781

    Totals: Time: 09:57:26 - πŸ¦…Imperial: 72.33 mi - Metric: 116.38 km

    5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015) 


    Mother of Cats

      MMerk- IMHO you are clear sailing to shoot for a 2:55 (weather permitting) with your speed and consistent training only outside factors could slow you down!!


      Dwave- those are 2 nice workouts!  It must be difficult to have to manage a busy track.  I'm luck that both my local and work tracks are lightly used during the times I run so I'm often running alone.


      Steve- Good luck in your upcoming race!  A fast field should help pull you along.


      Flavio- Hope you fell better soon!  Sucks to miss a scheduled race but there will be others


      Solid week back after the recovery week.  I was very pleased with the workout Wednesday and I managed to get strides into 2 other runs.




      I'd be happy with that Wednesday workout too Smile.  Very nice.


      As for the track - yup, it can get crowded.  On Tuesday mornings if the weather is good, we'll frequently have between 40-50 or more people running on the track (two or three teams training simultaneously plus a lot of individuals.


      It generally works OK - it's understood that lane 1 is for fast running with some spillover into lane 2; lanes 2 and 3 are for passing, and then lanes 4-8 are for jogging, with drills and walking also being OK in the outer lanes.  One also has to be a bit flexible with recoveries, though - starting each interval is essentially merging onto a highway, and so one may have to cut the recovery a bit short or stretch it out so as to be able to fit into a gap in track traffic.


      Wednesday morning was a bit challenging - there were only about 10 people actually trying to do running workouts on the track.  But there were also two different boot camps trying to do workouts that included jogging some laps.  And then the girl's field hockey team had practice on the infield but was also straying into lane 1 occasionally.  And then the girls and boys crosscountry teams each showed up (about 40 kids each) and they stretched across the entire width of the track doing drills, and that killed my 200s.  It was annoying, but it was what it was.


      The track is a high school track that they allow others to use during limited hours (have to be off of it by 8:30 am). However, in the last weeks of August, the high school teams will often also have their practices during those limited public hours (they'll start at 5:30 or 6 am).  Complaining about it will only result in the public hours being cut back even further, so we just tolerate the chaos.  Once the weather cools down a bit, the high schoolers start their practices later, and it gets a bit easier to navigate the track.

      Everyone's gotta running blog; I'm the only one with a POOL-RUNNING blog.


      And...if you want a running Instagram where all the pictures are of cats, I've got you covered.


        Mmerkle - How's your training been going ? That would probably be the ultimate factor in deciding which pace to go for.
        We know for a fact that your last marathon was on tough conditions, but there's no guarantee that the next one won't have any issues either, you can always count on a couple of things going wrong with marathoning, so I suppose if your training shows better fitness then you could definitely go for a faster time.


        Steve - those 180 degree turns will be harder by the 8th and 9th km, but they're doable.
        Hopefully you find people to work with.


        DW - that Island looks very interesting.


        Dave - Yeah, the worst part is I don't even know what caused it. But it was likely a combination of unsupervised strength training (even though I was using much lighter weights) and sleeping with a different pillow.
        Very impressive week at 75 miles, count me jealous.


        me - I managed to do a short 35 minute run earlier today. I seem to be on the better side of this cold πŸ™

        I'm sure eating mom's food which is mostly grown on their backyard is helping the recovery.


        Cobra Commander Keen

          Steve - I think you'll be able to break 40 even if your day is just "decent", but definitely if it's "good". I'm looking forward to that race result, you've been putting in the work.

          Flavio - I'm sorry to hear about all those issues hitting at once, though I'm glad you say you're doing better and hope you recover quickly.

          Merkle - Hooray for tying weekly high mileage! Hitting ~6 flat for tempo miles and you should certainly be in (sub)2:55 shape given accommodating weather.

          DWave - "just" two workouts. Nice. I hope you get the meds fine-tuned, without any more "definitely wrong"s in there.
          I figure for my next trip (maybe two trips) to DC I'll bring the hybrid road/trail shoes.

          Dave - Killer week!

          I hit a new 7-day high of 118 on Saturday owing to moving the previous week's LR to Sunday. If I get all my planned miles this week I'll be within ~2 miles of pulling even with where I should be for my completely arbitrary mileage goal for the year, with enough time to pad it so that the taper and recovery from my race don't put me behind a ton.
          My coach posted a run on Strava a week or two ago in which he mentioned he had also been researching double threshold runs. I replied "you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention", and now I have a starter double threshold session Wednesday! We'll see how this goes, though I like the idea.


          Weekly for period: From: 08/14/2023 To 08/20/2023

          <caption>Weekly Grid</caption>
          Date Name mi km Duration Avg/mi Avg/km Elevation Gain
          in ft
          08/14 5 deer (5 strides), 2 rabbits, & 1 heron 13.15 21.16 01:55:36 08:47 05:28 814
          08/14 Squeezing in miles between calls 5.10 8.21 00:46:04 09:02 05:37 374
          08/15 1 owl 8.00 12.88 01:16:34 09:34 05:57 354
          08/15 Back to a news helicopter 5.05 8.13 00:47:34 09:25 05:51 240
          08/16 8mi @ HMe 14.76 23.75 01:50:12 07:28 04:38 390
          08/16 I will be so incredibly slow tomorrow 4.10 6.60 00:38:13 09:19 05:47 240
          08/17 1 rabbit 8.00 12.88 01:17:42 09:43 06:02 276
          08/17 1 scissor-tailed flycatcher 5.05 8.12 00:48:01 09:30 05:55 223
          08/18 I do love running in the dark 13.00 20.92 01:52:55 08:41 05:24 630
          08/18 1 Mississippi kite 4.10 6.60 00:38:23 09:22 05:49 197
          08/19 1 scrawny coyote, the OCU crew, & a new high score 18.05 29.05 02:28:46 08:15 05:07 919
          08/20 A calm end to the week 6.05 9.74 00:56:25 09:20 05:48 171

          Totals: Time: 15:16:25 - πŸ¦…Imperial: 104.43 mi - Metric: 168.02 km

          5k: 17:58 11/22 β”‚ 10k: 37:55 9/21 β”‚ HM: 1:23:22 4/22 β”‚ M: 2:56:05 12/22


          Upcoming Races:


          July 4  - Firecracker 5k



          Mmmm Bop

            Steve - Good luck next week, sub 40 is a big deal so hopefully the adrenaline will kick in as you’ve definitely got it in you. But I would hate 8x180 turns in a 10k!  I wonder how much each turn slows you down?

            Mmerkle - I think your last marathon was one of the best performances on this thread as you proved your mental and physical toughness against the wind and that’s not easy. Yes sub 2:55 for now, but you’ll eventually get much lower than that. πŸ‘


            Dave - You are on a roll, a recent half PR and 75 mile week with a killer workout…so just ride the wave as you don’t know what’s around the corner!


            Flavio - Damn!  I hope you get back on track this week. πŸ‘


            70 miles for me this week, but average overall pace was at a pathetic Waltons style 8:45 pace….so I have a long long way to go to get anything close to my old fitness.  But I’m very focused and in the zone again so…….

            5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


            Overweight per CDC BMI

              I hit a new 7-day high of 118 on Saturday owing to moving the previous week's LR to Sunday.

              When I first read this, I thought you were talking about the heat index. Excellent work if your rolling 7-day mileage is higher than the heat index in August!


              Can you please update a couple things on the thread race list for me? 20:39 from the 5k in April and DNS for the 10 Nautical Miler in June. Add the two races I am targeting PR's during my race series. Sept 10th MRTC 10k with a goal of 43:45 and Nov 4th MRTC Half with a goal of 1:35:30.

              Memphis / 38 male

              5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10


              Mmmm Bop

                When I first read this, I thought you were talking about the heat index. Excellent work if your rolling 7-day mileage is higher than the heat index in August!



                He’s a Walton, so it’ll be interesting to see how his 100 mile weeks pan out in his next marathon?  I’m genuinely curious as results are king imo.

                5k - 17:53 (4/19)   10k - 37:53 (11/18)   Half - 1:23:18 (4/19)   Full - 2:50:43 (4/19)


                  Flavio - bummer on the DNS.  Hope you are up and at it again soon.


                  Steve - I agree that sub-40 is on the cards.  Fingers crossed for good weather.


                  mmerkle - congrats on the big week!!


                  Darkwave - that island looks like a super fun place to run!!  Big enough that running laps wouldn't feel too repetitive either.


                  Dave - yeah IDK what it is about long runs but they can sometimes end up a bit of a grind, even at slower paces.  I still generally get more beat up by a 2 hr long run than most workouts.


                  Keen - a big week by your standards is like two decent weeks by mine lol.


                  Fishy - sounds like you're well and truly ready to get back at it.


                  Mikkey - average pace over a week is pretty much a completely useless measure, so I'd ignore it.

                  3,000m: 9:07.7 (Nov-21) | 5,000m: 15:39 (Dec-19) | 10,000m: 32:34 (Mar-20)  

                  10km: 33:15 (Sep-19) | HM: 1:09:41 (May-21)* | FM: 2:41:41 (Oct-20)

                  * Net downhill course

                  Last race: Runway5 / National 5k Champs, 16:22, National Masters AG Champ!

                  Up next: Still working on that...

                  "CONSISTENCY IS KING"


                  Hot Weather Complainer

                    Mikkey - I agree with Mark.  Who cares what your average pace is over the week?  If you're hitting your key sessions, that's all that matters.  I'd argue a slower overall speed is better if it allows you to nail the hard sessions.


                    Mark, Flavio, mmerkle, keen + everyone - Thanks!  I'm excited to go full send on a race and it will be cool to race with the top club runners from Canterbury.  Weather looks good at the moment, 15C (59F) which is warm for this time of year, and much warmer than I've been running in.  There's a breeze forecast which hopefully doesn't change because it's close to the beach and wouldn't take much to become a factor.


                    Keen - Can't wait to see you race after stringing this training together during summer.


                    Flavio - Again, such a bummer.  Hope you're back at 100% soon.


                    Fishy - That's a really solid workout.


                    Dave - You really are crushing it at the moment.  Can't wait to see the pay off.  And you're right, nothing to lose by going for it for me.  If I do crash I can survive until the end and I do have a B goal of a PR.  It's a weird one, I can see myself being quite disappointed about "only" getting a PR in this one.

                    5km: 18:34 11/23 β”‚ 10km: 39:10 8/23 β”‚ HM: 1:26:48 9/23 β”‚ M: 3:29:54 6/24


                    2024 Races:

                    Motorway Half Marathon February 25, 2024 1:29:55

                    Christchurch Half-Marathon April 21, 2024 1:27:34

                    Selwyn Marathon June 2, 2024 DNF

                    Wellington Marathon June 23, 2024 3:29:54

                    Hagley Park Run July 20, 2024

                    Dunedin Half Marathon September 15, 2024

                    Timaru Ten October 26, 2024


                    Overweight per CDC BMI

                       He’s a Walton

                      If Grandpa Mikkey would make his RA log visible to the public, it would be some nice insight for everyone to view his training...

                      Memphis / 38 male

                      5k - 20:39 / 10k - 43:48 / Half - 1:34:47 / Full - 3:38:10


                        If Grandpa Mikkey would make his RA log visible to the public, it would be some nice insight for everyone to view his training...


                        If some people still didn't get it, Mikkey is actually very vulnerable person, he is not ready to be criticized/given an opinion and that is the reason why he cannot open his log. He feels much comfortable when only he is "judging" his training Smile . Plus, he is already in a good mood, basically already making me to acknowledge my future defeat in December, which caused me to lose a will to even try to beat the Mighty Mikkey M Sad


                        Incredible running everybody, hope I will be on par with your running one these months!


                        Second week in a row with 40+ miles. Not really anything to brag about but moving in a right direction. Won't even mention my average pace, but will agree with Marky, in general if you hit your workout paces and mileage goals, you should be good.

                        paces PRs - 5K - 5:48  /  10K - 6:05  /  HM - 6:14  /  FM - 6:26 per mile


                          I have cut nearly an hour off my marathon time, but my average pace has remained remarkably unchanged.


                          2023: 1,702.7 mi 248:29:43 8:46 / mi
                          Total: 27,453.7 mi 4016:44:18 8:47 / mi

                          (total since mid-2012)


                          I wish I had a faster easy pace, only to get runs done more quickly. But otherwise I don't worry about it, and rarely look at my watch during easy runs - as they say, easy is an effort, not a pace. In my group runs, most of the people I run with at easy pace have slower race times. Some of the "faster" people (based on easy pace) aren't that much faster (based on race times).


                          You big Dosser

                            A very good morning to all the lovely hobby joggers on this thread!


                            I’m one year old today!!! πŸŽ‚πŸ°πŸ¦΄πŸ₯©


                            Resident Historian

                              Rehab update: Still working with the PT and a the gym to improve the range of motion for my knee. I'm walking normally, but still can't get to a running stride. Some of my walks of 2-3 miles are on hilly trails; that helps exercise the knee. There's actually a quad muscle visible on the injured side now; it doesn't quite pop up lke the other side if I contract it, but from completely detached, that's progress. But damn, it's slow!

                              MMerkle, if I've got this right you ran a 1:01 10-mile early this year, then a 2:59 marathon for your first sub-3. The equally trained equivalent marathon time for that 10-mile would be in the 2:51-2:53 range, but you didn't have the miles in to be equally trained. Now, with 70 mpw through the core of the marathon cycle, you're certainly approaching "equally trained", and I'd bet that with another shot at that 10-mile race of your current training, you might go sub-60.
                              Assuming decent conditions on the day, I think you can go with confidence to get the (sub-) 2:55. 

                              Flavio -- Yeah, the 2 hour runs will get easier. I expect some of them should be all easy to get you over that tired feeling for the final 20 minutes. Not every long run needs quality miles in it.

                              Mark - Nice win, and I do enjoy a good race report like that.


                              Steve - Run well at the 10k, make it a good day.


                              Cal Good job putting Mikkey at ease with his future win!


                              Mr MattM - I agree with Darkwave, once a CJ. always a C.J. It'll be great if you can keep running and competing. I remember some of your "stupid running things"; I seem to recall 5 marathons in 5 days... or was it 6? 
                              While Moose Mug times get slower with age, they definitely don't get easier. AG% for a Moose Mug at 45 is 80.7%; at 55 it goes to 82% and at 60, to 83.5%. At my age, 91%.  That's why I've been telling RP to get after the Moose Mug now. 

                              Speaking of CJ's, I noticed that cinnamongirl won her 50-54 age group at the Falmouth Road Race (7 mile) by about 3 minutes. Through its 50 years running, Falmouth has always been incredibly competitive, and not an easy course. This year, Wesley Kiptoo won the Men's race in 31:08 -- that pace would be 27:38 for a 10K. Hellen Obiri went through 10k in 31:00 and beat Emily Sisson by 21 seconds in the Women's race.


                              “Some people will tell you that slow is good – but I'm here to tell you that fast is better. I've always believed this, in spite of the trouble it's caused me. - Hunter S. Thompson


                                Longboat- glad to hear your recovery is moving in the right direction. It's great that you're seeing the progress and incremental improvements!


                                Merk- Longboat said it better than I ever could.  Your progress over the last year + has been awesome to watch.  Continue with the consistent training and you've got some nice races in the near future!


                                MMerkle, if I've got this right you ran a 1:01 10-mile early this year, then a 2:59 marathon for your first sub-3. The equally trained equivalent marathon time for that 10-mile would be in the 2:51-2:53 range, but you didn't have the miles in to be equally trained. Now, with 70 mpw through the core of the marathon cycle, you're certainly approaching "equally trained", and I'd bet that with another shot at that 10-mile race of your current training, you might go sub-60.
                                Assuming decent conditions on the day, I think you can go with confidence to get the (sub-) 2:55. 

                                5K 18:36 (2023), 10K 39:40 (2022), 1/2 1:24:37 (2023), full 2:58:36 (2015)