Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass


    I thought I heard boinging coming from the southeast earlier. 


    3.56 mile run  55:00

    1.8 mile walk 35:00


    LOL.  I did look like a rabbit jumping all over the PT place while older ladies were there with hand injuries and getting massaged.


    Ran/walk 5 with hubby last night (unplanned), and ran 8 today (TM).



      3.54 miles run 56:00

      2 mile walk 40:00



        90 mins TM - 4.5 incline for 5.38 miles at 131 bpm


        Comments:  Felt surprisingly spry considering this was the second of a back to back 90 min workout.  More distance at same bpm, but I definitely felt tired in the last 10 mins.   Started at 3.7 mph and drifted to 3.4 mph the last 10 mins or so.  I am really enjoying geeking out on the numbers and watching how the human body adapts to the training.


          90 mins TM - 4.5 incline for 5.38 miles at 131 bpm


          Comments:  Felt surprisingly spry considering this was the second of a back to back 90 min workout.  More distance at same bpm, but I definitely felt tired in the last 10 mins.   Started at 3.7 mph and drifted to 3.4 mph the last 10 mins or so.  I am really enjoying geeking out on the numbers and watching how the human body adapts to the training.


          Geeking out on the numbers is half the fun!  3.7 mph is a pretty fast walk.  It's in that range where you could walk or jog.  In my experience, if I set a treadmill to 3.7 mph, jogging feels MUCH easier than than walking.  However, my heart rate will run much higher while jogging despite it feeling easier.  One of life's mysteries I guess.  I also put in back to back days at 90 minute target finish time.


          Target Heart Rate:  MAF - 10 (136).  Actual average was 133.

          Mile 1:  10:41 (warmup)

          Mile 2:  8:57

          Mile 3:  8:31

          Mile 4:  8:26

          Mile 5:  8:37

          Mile 6:  8:17

          Mile 7:  8:25

          Mile 8:  8:58 (BIG hill to go up)

          Mile 9:  12:33 (HR runaway - walk - jog)

          Mile 10:  14:21 (HR runaway - walk - jog)

          Mile 10.6:  15:27 (HR runaway - walk - jog - cooldown)



            Well keep in mind that wasn't flat, it was at 4.5 incline, so the equivalency is hard to figure out since I am going so slow.  Check this chart out to geek out at another level, http://www.hillrunner.com/training/tmillchart.php.  I can't imagine that you run at MAF under a 9 min mile.  Despite that, I am encouraged with what I am seeing so it'll get there.



            Geeking out on the numbers is half the fun!  3.7 mph is a pretty fast walk.  It's in that range where you could walk or jog.  In my experience, if I set a treadmill to 3.7 mph, jogging feels MUCH easier than than walking.  However, my heart rate will run much higher while jogging despite it feeling easier.  One of life's mysteries I guess.  I also put in back to back days at 90 minute target finish time.


            Target Heart Rate:  MAF - 10 (136).  Actual average was 133.

            Mile 1:  10:41 (warmup)

            Mile 2:  8:57

            Mile 3:  8:31

            Mile 4:  8:26

            Mile 5:  8:37

            Mile 6:  8:17

            Mile 7:  8:25

            Mile 8:  8:58 (BIG hill to go up)

            Mile 9:  12:33 (HR runaway - walk - jog)

            Mile 10:  14:21 (HR runaway - walk - jog)

            Mile 10.6:  15:27 (HR runaway - walk - jog - cooldown)



              30 mins P90X3 Yoga and 30 mins P90X3 Dynamix


              Comments:  I feel so relaxed after this combo.  Lower back is feeling better by the day rather than in constant dull aching pain when doing more aggressive workouts of any kind including running.


                Hi Hilltopper,


                "Well keep in mind that wasn't flat, it was at 4.5 incline, so the equivalency is hard to figure out since I am going so slow.  Check this chart out to geek out at another level, http://www.hillrunner.com/training/tmillchart.php.  I can't imagine that you run at MAF under a 9 min mile.  Despite that, I am encouraged with what I am seeing so it'll get there."


                Holy cow, that is a crazy incline.  You're going to hit the limitations of the incline of your treadmill incline before long to get anywhere near your MAF.   


                That's a cool chart.  I wish it would extend down to walking speeds though.  Just to pick a few data points, look at 5.0 mph (12:00) at a 4% incline.  That's the equivalent of a 10 minute mile!  A 2 minute difference in pace.  That's very significant in effort expended.


                Do you guys suppose that this chart would be useful in planning mile splits in a marathon with hills?  For example, if you have a target pace of 8:00 per mile and there was a section of 2% grade, it looks like the equivalent effort pace would be roughly 8:20 for that section.  I just followed 2% down the chart  to 7:58 (target finish pace) and that happened to line up with 8:20 (effort).  You'd need to do the same for decline (so you'd need a decline chart) on the downhills to keep your effort consistent from start to finish.  Am I way off here?



                  Well if you must know my mad scientist reasoning for this is to incorporate hill training at MAF.  I am not there yet, but I plan on getting to a point where I run 90 mins total, with a hill training session smack dab in the middle of it.  The studies I read talk about muscle activation being 26% greater running uphill.  Normally the Maf Method means that hills you can train on a run provided that you stay under.  On a TM, you can train under Maf while increasing muscle activation.  I would think that would make you a better runner and a stronger runner, but I could be wrong.


                  Hi Hilltopper,


                  "Well keep in mind that wasn't flat, it was at 4.5 incline, so the equivalency is hard to figure out since I am going so slow.  Check this chart out to geek out at another level, http://www.hillrunner.com/training/tmillchart.php.  I can't imagine that you run at MAF under a 9 min mile.  Despite that, I am encouraged with what I am seeing so it'll get there."


                  Holy cow, that is a crazy incline.  You're going to hit the limitations of the incline of your treadmill incline before long to get anywhere near your MAF.   


                  That's a cool chart.  I wish it would extend down to walking speeds though.  Just to pick a few data points, look at 5.0 mph (12:00) at a 4% incline.  That's the equivalent of a 10 minute mile!  A 2 minute difference in pace.  That's very significant in effort expended.


                  Do you guys suppose that this chart would be useful in planning mile splits in a marathon with hills?  For example, if you have a target pace of 8:00 per mile and there was a section of 2% grade, it looks like the equivalent effort pace would be roughly 8:20 for that section.  I just followed 2% down the chart  to 7:58 (target finish pace) and that happened to line up with 8:20 (effort).  You'd need to do the same for decline (so you'd need a decline chart) on the downhills to keep your effort consistent from start to finish.  Am I way off here?



                    I am not fast enough yet to test this but I'd love to hear you test this chart actually.  Will you do an uphill run test and see if the Maf reflects their calculations?


                    Hi Hilltopper,


                    "Well keep in mind that wasn't flat, it was at 4.5 incline, so the equivalency is hard to figure out since I am going so slow.  Check this chart out to geek out at another level, http://www.hillrunner.com/training/tmillchart.php.  I can't imagine that you run at MAF under a 9 min mile.  Despite that, I am encouraged with what I am seeing so it'll get there."


                    Holy cow, that is a crazy incline.  You're going to hit the limitations of the incline of your treadmill incline before long to get anywhere near your MAF.   


                    That's a cool chart.  I wish it would extend down to walking speeds though.  Just to pick a few data points, look at 5.0 mph (12:00) at a 4% incline.  That's the equivalent of a 10 minute mile!  A 2 minute difference in pace.  That's very significant in effort expended.


                    Do you guys suppose that this chart would be useful in planning mile splits in a marathon with hills?  For example, if you have a target pace of 8:00 per mile and there was a section of 2% grade, it looks like the equivalent effort pace would be roughly 8:20 for that section.  I just followed 2% down the chart  to 7:58 (target finish pace) and that happened to line up with 8:20 (effort).  You'd need to do the same for decline (so you'd need a decline chart) on the downhills to keep your effort consistent from start to finish.  Am I way off here?


                      I am not fast enough yet to test this but I'd love to hear you test this chart actually.  Will you do an uphill run test and see if the Maf reflects their calculations?



                      Honestly, I'm not sure how to test it.  I wonder how they came to those numbers?  I suppose it would kinda be like doing an MAF test where you would hold your HR absolutely constant and chart your pace up a hill at a known grade?  I'll probably try doing that for kicks.  GPS records keep pretty detailed recounts of % grade down to a tenth of a percent so the only hard part is micromanaging the HR and keeping it dialed in.


                      Former Bad Ass

                        What a week!  Got a migraine on Thursday so I canceled PT, Pilates and my 7 miler.  Did all of that Friday, which I didn't want to do because I had a 4 mile race today.  But I did them.


                        I was assuming I was going to run the Shamrock 4 Miler at easy pace, having done nothing below 11:30mm in the last three weeks and just recovering from meniscus surgery.  BUT, as MAF knows, never underestimate the power of training slow.  Ran it in 38:59 and 9:45mm.  Knee felt great, although it's sore now.  Very happy with that.



                          What a week!  Got a migraine on Thursday so I canceled PT, Pilates and my 7 miler.  Did all of that Friday, which I didn't want to do because I had a 4 mile race today.  But I did them.


                          I was assuming I was going to run the Shamrock 4 Miler at easy pace, having done nothing below 11:30mm in the last three weeks and just recovering from meniscus surgery.  BUT, as MAF knows, never underestimate the power of training slow.  Ran it in 38:59 and 9:45mm.  Knee felt great, although it's sore now.  Very happy with that.


                          Great job!!!  I hope you celebrated appropriately 


                          I just did my first MAF Test because I finally had an open track with very little wind.


                          Conditions:  22 deg F, Wind SE 6 mph, track was a bit slick.  My legs have been sore all day which is unusual for coming off a rest day.


                          Mile 1:  8:47

                          Mile 2:  8:42

                          Mile 3:  8:40

                          Mile 4:  8:39

                          Mile 5:  8:34


                          Average Pace:  8:40


                          Former Bad Ass


                            Great job!!!  I hope you celebrated appropriately 


                            I just did my first MAF Test because I finally had an open track with very little wind.


                            Conditions:  22 deg F, Wind SE 6 mph, track was a bit slick.  My legs have been sore all day which is unusual for coming off a rest day.


                            Mile 1:  8:47

                            Mile 2:  8:42

                            Mile 3:  8:40

                            Mile 4:  8:39

                            Mile 5:  8:34


                            Average Pace:  8:40


                            Free beer at the finish, martini right now? Yes.


                            Nice run!




                              90 mins TM @ 4.5 degrees for 5.42 miles @ 131 bpm


                              Comments:  Third straight improvement in mileage for this workout  Started at 5.34 miles and now at 5.42.  I think that is a fairly good indicator that I am slowing building that aerobic base.


                              Former Bad Ass

                                10 miles on the TM for my longest since the injury.  Very happy.
