Low HR Training

"Expose Your Slow Twitchers" Daily Maffetone and/or Low-HR Training Reports (Read 23292 times)


Former Bad Ass


    Ohhhh, interesting.  I wouldn't say that MAF is interval level fast for me (that would be amazing!) but it's definitely not something I can do day in and day out.  Running at about MAF minus 15 or 20 bpm is the only way I can get the high mileage in for marathon training.  I could probably run 50 miles per week at MAF without wearing down but definitely not 70-90.


    Good info, jimmyb!


    Interesting.  I don't seem to ever be able to run below MAF when I'm outside and always run at or 1-2 bpms around MAF. But I am so slow I suck at running.


    I ran 4 tonight.



    Consistently Slow

      Iam going to have to think about this. Can not at the moment remember the feeling of MAF training on a consistent basis.


      Dr. Phil wrote in his books that some of his athletes got so fast at MAF that it became too stressful for them to do the bulk of their training at that HR. He created his "aerobic intervals" for them. Done like intervals with the fast reps done at MAF. Mark Allen-land contains reltivity to ones own potential. You're in aerobic interval county, and that's awesome. Nice work.


      Run until the trail runs out.

       SCHEDULE 2016--

       The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

      unsolicited chatter



      Consistently Slow

        7:04: x x for the 2nd race. Twenty minutes late and an attack of the IG monster at mile 5. Race day saved my a Half Fanatic that gave me some Pepto-Bismol tablets.

        6:05:54  day 3. Did the 6:45 early start. Less shade. Hottest day of the 3. Should done the 4 m start.

        Run until the trail runs out.

         SCHEDULE 2016--

         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

        unsolicited chatter



        Former Bad Ass

          7:04: x x for the 2nd race. Twenty minutes late and an attack of the IG monster at mile 5. Race day saved my a Half Fanatic that gave me some Pepto-Bismol tablets.

          6:05:54  day 3. Did the 6:45 early start. Less shade. Hottest day of the 3. Should done the 4 m start.





            7:04: x x for the 2nd race. Twenty minutes late and an attack of the IG monster at mile 5. Race day saved my a Half Fanatic that gave me some Pepto-Bismol tablets.

            6:05:54  day 3. Did the 6:45 early start. Less shade. Hottest day of the 3. Should done the 4 m start.


            Way to go!  Woot!


            Pepto-Bismol mid race, yikes!  I know this problem all too well.  I'm racing next weekend and I'm taking Imodium before the start to offset potential diarrhea issues.  Also I'm drinking less coffee before, no Gu before, less Gatorade/Gu during race.  I've been practicing this on all my weekend long runs and found a magic formula for me (I think).  Pulling out all the stops!


            I'm really curious how you all handle your marathon or ultra marathon fueling success/failure stories.


            Former Bad Ass

              Yo!  Ran 8 with 3 X 1 mile @ 5K pace last night (or what I think it is on the TM, anyways), and it was the first run where my knee is actually moving beautifully.  Maybe 8 months is the time for it to be 100% back to normal?  We'll see.



                Yo!  Ran 8 with 3 X 1 mile @ 5K pace last night (or what I think it is on the TM, anyways), and it was the first run where my knee is actually moving beautifully.  Maybe 8 months is the time for it to be 100% back to normal?  We'll see.


                3 X 1 mile @ 5K pace is BRUTALLY hard.  Good job!  What kind of rest interval do you use when you do that?  I'd probably need several minutes.


                Marathon is 1 week from tomorrow.  All I have left is:


                Tomorrow:  10 miles with last 4 miles at 83% MHR

                Sunday:  6 miles (cap off 52 mile week)

                Monday:  6 miles

                Tuesday:  5 miles

                Wednesday:  4 miles

                Thursday:  REST

                Friday:  REST

                Saturday:  Race


                Getting excited here!


                Former Bad Ass


                  3 X 1 mile @ 5K pace is BRUTALLY hard.  Good job!  What kind of rest interval do you use when you do that?  I'd probably need several minutes.


                  Marathon is 1 week from tomorrow.  All I have left is:


                  Tomorrow:  10 miles with last 4 miles at 83% MHR

                  Sunday:  6 miles (cap off 52 mile week)

                  Monday:  6 miles

                  Tuesday:  5 miles

                  Wednesday:  4 miles

                  Thursday:  REST

                  Friday:  REST

                  Saturday:  Race


                  Getting excited here!


                  Coach had me doing 1/2 mile recoveries.


                  Ran 9 on Thursday, 4 yesterday.



                  Consistently Slow


                    3 X 1 mile @ 5K pace is BRUTALLY hard.  Good job!  What kind of rest interval do you use when you do that?  I'd probably need several minutes.


                    Marathon is 1 week from tomorrow.  All I have left is:


                    Tomorrow:  10 miles with last 4 miles at 83% MHR

                    Sunday:  6 miles (cap off 52 mile week)

                    Monday:  6 miles

                    Tuesday:  5 miles

                    Wednesday:  4 miles

                    Thursday:  REST

                    Friday:  REST

                    Saturday:  Race


                    Getting excited here!


                    Is this a PR race?

                    Run until the trail runs out.

                     SCHEDULE 2016--

                     The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                    unsolicited chatter



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Hi!  Ran 13 yesterday and this weekend I have Chicago.  Ran 5 tonight.



                      Consistently Slow

                        Runnersworld Tulsa marathon #98


                        Mothers Road  marathon #99

                        5:45: x x

                        Shin splits today.

                        Run until the trail runs out.

                         SCHEDULE 2016--

                         The pain that hurts the worse is the imagined pain. One of the most difficult arts of racing is learning to ignore the imagined pain and just live with the present pain (which is always bearable.) - Jeff

                        unsolicited chatter



                        Former Bad Ass

                          Runnersworld Tulsa marathon #98


                          Mothers Road  marathon #99

                          5:45: x x

                          Shin splits today.


                          Nice!  I would have more than shin splints if I were to do back to back marathons again. Smile




                            Is this a PR race?


                            I'm pretty new to running and this is my 5th marathon, so every race is a PR attempt for me at this point!  So hopefully, yes.  Since I started a few years ago this has been my progression:


                            5K - 23:58

                            Marathon Relay - 4:25 (5 person team)

                            Marathon - 3:40

                            Marathon - 3:45

                            Marathon - 3:14

                            Marathon Relay - 3:14 (5 person team)

                            ---- STARTED MAF METHOD -----

                            Marathon - 3:06

                            Half Marathon - 1:22

                            Marathon - TBD in a few days!


                            My long run this weekend went unbelievably well.  10 miles with the last 4 miles @ 83-85% MHR.  Last 4 miles average pace was 5:56 per mile.  Tapering and carbo loading at the moment.


                              I ran the St. George Marathon on Saturday with what I was told was over 7000 runners.  Beautiful course for those of you who haven't ran it.  It was very well organized.  Bon fires at the start.  17 aid stations perfectly laid out and manned.  Scenery was unbelievable.  Volunteers were super on the ball and friendly.


                              Official Time:  2:52:44

                              Pace:  6:35 per mile


                              I finished very strong.  Here was my last 10K mile splits:


                              Mile 20 - 6:32

                              Mile 21 - 6:13

                              Mile 22 - 6:35

                              Mile 23 - 6:26

                              Mile 24 - 6:17

                              Mile 25 - 6:24

                              Mile 26 - 6:27

                              Mile 26.2 (pace) - 6:11




                              Former Bad Ass

                                Congrats, SD!!!  Awesome!


                                I ran the Chicago Marathon in last time I broke 5 hours was in February, 2016.  4:58:51 and another post knee surgery PR, boom!
