Run: Easy Previous Next


1:30 PM

10 mi


7:24 mi


131 lb
139 bpm


45 F


4 / 10
4 / 10
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Easy distance today. Started out with a few miles on the track to calibrate the Suunto Foot Pod that I'm testing. I did 6x100m strides on the track, and decided to time them just see to see how fast I'm running. The strides were all between 14.5 - 16.0 seconds. They were very hard, but not all-out, so I reckon I can probably run 13.5 in an all-out sprint right now.

Went out after that to the paved river trail and back, then grabbed my fat, out-of-shape dog and dragged him the last three miles through some neighborhoods. Gil went out hard, but after one 6:30 mile, he was sucking wind, and I had to work to get him under 8:00/mile pace the rest of the way. Pretty sad; he used to do 13-milers with me.

Nice day, wore short sleeves and shorts. Ave HR 139. Got up to 179 on the strides.
