3650 Miles in the Hurtlocker

December Mileage Throw-Down (Read 1970 times)

    Happy to be watching y'all's insanity and not participating in it.


    So how do folks get their workout in on Christmas Day and if traveling for the holidays?  My wife gives me a very serious stink-eye about even attempting to run of the 25th, and we'll spend four days next week jammed into a hotel room when we aren't visiting with my parents (who aren't the type we can take in large doses).  I need help if that 165 bell is gonna get rung.

     Thankfully my husband supports my insanity and as long as I keep it short he has no problem with me running AFTER santa has came. We usually drive up to inlaws so as long as I'm out the door and back and ready to head to NJ by noon. If traveling I'm all about using the hotel treadmill. I also try to get all big workouts done during the week. Good luck Clive! 

    Your toughness is made up of equal parts persistence and experience. You don't so much outrun your opponents as outlast and outsmart them, and the toughest opponent of all is the one inside your head." - Joe Henderson

      Thanks pfetro, you'll get the lead back tomorrow or Saturday Wink  250 is beyond me this month, but I hope I can get the 226 with a few bonus miles on there.


      I'm afraid I'll be going for the easy option over Christmas Eve-Boxing Day, and running will be limited to one short run a day maximum.  No decent excuses, but I just think I'd be better off doing that than dealing with the politics and juggling involved with getting out for a run (my husband is supportive, and I think my parents would be fine, but not everyone else would be and both my parents and my MiL's houses aren't the type you can sneak out of without disturbing people (whatever the time of night/day), and we seldom see my parents or MiL, running on my own in the dark where they live isn't ideal or pleasant (and they'd throw stresses about that), and there definitely isn't a TM in sight.  So all poor excuses, but I'm getting them in early.


      100 in 7 days.  Nice work rocken!

       "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

      A Saucy Wench

        Christmas day - short run usually between present opening and dinner  prep sometime.   Running while traveling isnt a big deal - although I have had trips where my running luggage was more than my regular luggage.  Of course since it is YOUR parents you need to make sure she gets to escape while you run and not get stuck with them alone. 


        Are there kids in the equation?  Maybe she could take them to a matinee, escape the in-laws while you run? 


        MTA: or since you are a hotel, presumably not with tree and presents get up really really freaking early while everyone else is sleeping. 

        I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


        "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7

        Prince of Fatness

          With older kids including one that doesn't live at home anymore Christmas morning isn't quite as much of a big deal.  We're having a bunch of family over in the afternoon, and I'll have my run done in plenty of time to help out with any last minute preparation for that.

          Not at it at all. 


          old woman w/hobby

            Apparently our guests that came in for the holidays didn't appreciate my 6 am treadmill run. Too bad, I didn't appreciate them bringing yet another animal into our house.


            Rocken and Tea, you guys are kicking butt. C-R and I may need some help. Is it too late to recruit more team members?


            My oldest son is bringing his cat home tonight.  No cat sitter available.  It should be interesting.  We have one go along get along cat

            and one Siamese bitch.  Hopefully son's kitty won't mind staying in son's bedroom for a few days.  It's an indoor cat anyway.





            old woman w/hobby

              Happy to be watching y'all's insanity and not participating in it.


              So how do folks get their workout in on Christmas Day and if traveling for the holidays?  My wife gives me a very serious stink-eye about even attempting to run of the 25th, and we'll spend four days next week jammed into a hotel room when we aren't visiting with my parents (who aren't the type we can take in large doses).  I need help if that 165 bell is gonna get rung.


              With three adult 'children" we have done our time and are now are free!

              We'll be finished running before they even think of getting out of bed.  Yea!


              MTA: Go Rocken!




                You're all making me feel bad now.  But I'm sticking to my wussy wuss wuss not running much thing.  Damn it though, it's going to be hard not to sulk.  But rest is good right?  If maybe I get a decent run in on the 27th...if I'm not so full of food that I have to waddle even more than usual.  A long run on Christmas Day is out, we're up late Christmas Eve and then early again on Christmas Day and we have to leave my parents house in good time so we can be at my MiL's house, and I don't really want to lose time with my parents because they mean lots to me and all that rubbish and it's the one time of the year I get to see them for more than a couple of hours at a time, so keeping it relaxed for them is good in my mind.  Boxing Day it's just a political nightmare to get out, but hopefully a sneaky 45 minutes won't be too much to negotiate.  Still trying to explain it all, aren't I! 


                Bringing a cat to a house with cat's for Christmas sounds like it could be fun.  I took the hamsters home once, and that was enough for my parents and their dog.

                 "Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.  Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.  Just walk beside me and be my friend."

                Feeling the growl again

                  My oldest son is bringing his cat home tonight.  No cat sitter available. 


                  I thought a "cat sitter" was an open bag of food, a couple big bowls of water, and a clean litterbox....

                  "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                  I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                  A Saucy Wench

                    I thought a "cat sitter" was an open bag of food, a couple big bowls of water, and a clean litterbox....

                     +1  Cats can take care of themselves for several days.  

                    I have become Death, the destroyer of electronic gadgets


                    "When I got too tired to run anymore I just pretended I wasnt tired and kept running anyway" - dd, age 7


                      No water bowls needed. Just leave the lid up on the toilet. Problem solved.

                      I'm on a 15 min break right now and think I could get a mile under my belt. This is so medded up.

                      "He conquers who endures" - Persius
                      "Every workout should have a purpose. Every purpose should link back to achieving a training objective." - Spaniel



                      old woman w/hobby

                        I thought a "cat sitter" was an open bag of food, a couple big bowls of water, and a clean litterbox....

                         Yes.  That's what I thought too.   But he had  just left it for a week and a half while on another trip so... 




                        Feeling the growl again

                           Yes.  That's what I thought too.   But he had  just left it for a week and a half while on another trip so... 



                          Sounds like it was perfectly trained then.  




                          Didn't run as much as I wanted yet again today.  It is harder to run during the holidays than working.

                          "If you want to be a bad a$s, then do what a bad a$s does.  There's your pep talk for today.  Go Run." -- Slo_Hand


                          I am spaniel - Crusher of Treadmills


                            Holy crap Rocken!  Step away for a while and you throw in a 20+ effort day!?  Nice run BTW and good to see the century mark mid-week for you.


                            Because the insanity is running rampid through this group, I had to hit my sandbagging goal of 225 today.  After a tough (at least it was for me) interval w/o this morning, for some hair-brained idea, I thought I would finish the day of with an easy 30 min run on the treadmill.  Legs actually feel much better after doing that.


                            Aside from the shake-out interval session the week of the Oct marathon, I had to go all the way back to Aug 2010 just to find another interval effort.  If I can keep this stuff up, it'll be interesting to see how the Feb 4-miler turns out.


                            Options,Account, Forums

                              Holy crap Rocken!  Step away for a while and you throw in a 20+ effort day!?  Nice run BTW and good to see the century mark mid-week for you.

                               Ohhhh. Pam, now I get your earlier comment - I misread your training plan - I thought the 20 was coming tomorrow. *And* you doubled as well. Very nice!    I doubled today and I'm still over 10mi behind you.

                              It's a 5k. It hurt like hell...then I tried to pick it up. The end.

                                I thought a "cat sitter" was an open bag of food, a couple big bowls of water, and a clean litterbox....

                                No, it's a shovel and the ability to keep a secret.

                                "I want you to pray as if everything depends on it, but I want you to prepare yourself as if everything depends on you."

                                -- Dick LeBeau